View Full Version : New Tank - Please help me stock it
Sun Apr 06, 2008, 07:40 AM
I have a 60l tank that is currently cycling and has not furniture inside it or substrate.
I am thinking of using Black Gravel and driftwood as well as the standard rocks and plants.
I am wanting to put in Dwarf Cichlids. I like Kribs but would like to have other types of Dwarf Cichlids if at all possible.
Can anyone offer me any suggestions on what I could mix and how many.
LFS has advised to stick with a species tank as they show their colors more and don't feel threatened.
What do you think?
I will be getting some German Rams but they will be going in my tropical tank.
Thanks for any suggestions and advice
Sun Apr 06, 2008, 08:37 AM
Hello Swimmers,
I think I met you at pet city today. Welcome. This is the place to come for advice.
Firstly 60 L is a nice size tank. I would be careful of black gravel but. You want nice soft acidic water. Black gravel IMO may push your pH up and hardness up leading to unhappy fish. I use just common old coff's harbour gravel in my displays and my breeders are glass bottom.
I have driftwood in every tank and bought up 2 bags of the catappa leaves - Pet city is the only place in Brissy I have found the whole leaves. These give great hiding places , drop the pH and give an antiseptic effect.
I am into the apistos ( as you could probably tell :roll: ) I guess you could break dwarf cichlids into the west africans (kribs, little jewel, nanochromis and humpheads), apistogramma, and the other south american (nanacara, rams, and a few others - most common being checkerboards).
apistogramma and other south americans are more demanding on water - slightly acidic and soft.
In the next month or so we should see some real cool stuff come in from Germany. My next plan is to do the golden triangle (that is pet city, annerly and wetpetz) in about a months time
All tend to have different stock at different times. Wetpetz are the nicest fellas around - and have a real love for good fish. Annerly tend to go and pick out the best paris of what comes in as far as apistos go. Pet city are big and often have cool stuff - used to always be at the counter but now they have moved it to those new tanks round the corner.
Great dwarfs to start are aggasizi, borelii (cacatoides are good but quality is a bit of a worry). Check out what you like but first and foremost. Let us know and you never know - someone may have some, or be able to point to some good ones. I would be looking for a species - probably prefer a pair in a 60 L tank.
Dwarfs are a good community fish too. You can mix them in with a variety of tetras. I had my 6 footer with angels, discus, tetras and a couple of species of apistos before I had a major disease outbreak - (my fualt - bad fish management :oops: )
As I said to you at the store - there are a lot of extremely knowledgable people here - a couple of vets and dwarf guru Thomas - and a heap of enthusiasts.
Steve - AKA gingerbeer AKA the guy who was buying the panduro with two cute kids - and another couple and a wife at home.......
Sun Apr 06, 2008, 09:25 AM
Thanks Steve, Yes we did meet today.
I will go check out the places you have mentioned.
I am also looking for a pair of Rams for when my tank has cycled. Not oo many around here by the looks of things.
Oh well patience is a virtue...I guess
Fri Apr 11, 2008, 05:25 AM
So how's the plan going swimmers?
Tue Apr 15, 2008, 08:36 AM
I went to Annerley in the weekend and got a pair of Kribs and a pair of Bolivian Butterflys/Rams.
I have them in the 2' tank as it finished cycling last week. They have all settled in well.
I will put the Bolivians in my 4' community tank once they have passed QT. I will leave the 2' with the Kribs in as they seem to be getting very friendly already. The FM is flirting and her colours are quite bright as well.
What are your suggestions on dither fish for the tank?
Tue Apr 15, 2008, 08:38 AM
I like the look of the Dwarf Neon Rainbow, although I am not sure of their availability around here.
I also like the look of threadfin rainbows as well.
Wed Apr 16, 2008, 12:25 PM
Cardinals are always a safe bet? I've been taken with the look of the endlers lately too.
Thu Apr 17, 2008, 09:12 AM
I checked out the price of Cardinals at my LFS. Boy they were pretty expensive $28 for 4. I would need at least 8 in the tank.
Is there anythiong else you can suggest?
Thu Apr 17, 2008, 12:00 PM
Cardinal tetras are always expensive - but $28 for 4 is way too steep.
From memory, they average to ~$4 each.
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 12:15 AM
That might depend where you are ThOmas. $7ea is about right for Adelaide, unless they're very very small.
Swimmers, you could try asking the lfs if they can do you a deal for 8? Or neons might be worth considering? I just like the look of the cardinals better, and they tolerate discus temperatures.
Guppies might be an option - with the added bonus that they breed in the tank. Or maybe rummy noses?
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 08:33 AM
I would think Brisbane has similar prices to Sydney. Hmmm.........
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 08:55 AM
I checked out another LFS today, the Cardinals were cheaper at $4.00 but were so small I thought they were neons at first, they must have been only about 1cm in length.
While I was there I checked out the male Guppies. We ahd guppies years ago and I kind of got bored with them but I am now thinking I may go with that option. Being cheaper and the males are very showy.
I will get some from my main LFS as although the ones at the shop today were nice looking there were many sick looking ones as well.
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 09:01 AM
If you like guppy's do you likoe the endlers?
If you like I can organise you a trio. Let me know.
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 11:37 PM
Thanks for the offer Gingerbeer.However my daughter has her heart set on the standard guppies. She likes the big flashy tails. I can see we will be annoying at the LFS today, she will want to pick out individual fish.
Who knows we will probably come back with something different altogether. Typical females we that we are.
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 06:33 AM
We came back with Lyre-tail Guppies.
They have settled well and the Krib pair seem to have settled down a little more. Hopesfully with the extra activity in the tank they will not target one particular fish and leave the Bolivians alone for a while.
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 06:41 AM
Must be close to time for pics.
Tue Apr 22, 2008, 03:59 AM
Got your message loud and clear. Ill take some today and post later.
Thanks for the push Gingerbeer
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