amazon dee
Sat Apr 05, 2008, 06:37 AM
Hi I am new comer to forum and a lover of appistogramma.
I am also only new to the fish lover world.
I have had my tank for 18mths now and after the common "learn as you go" have lost a few fish.
I am ready to get more serious with appistogramma now.
Does any one elase have problems when buying fish. I recently purchased some aggazzi and rummys and some or one of them were carrying disease which near wiped out all my fish.
Because I have to ship to buy it is difficult to check the condition before they leave the seller.
Any pointers on the keeping of these delightful creatures would be helpful
amazon dee
Hi I am new comer to forum and a lover of appistogramma.
I am also only new to the fish lover world.
I have had my tank for 18mths now and after the common "learn as you go" have lost a few fish.
I am ready to get more serious with appistogramma now.
Does any one elase have problems when buying fish. I recently purchased some aggazzi and rummys and some or one of them were carrying disease which near wiped out all my fish.
Because I have to ship to buy it is difficult to check the condition before they leave the seller.
Any pointers on the keeping of these delightful creatures would be helpful
amazon dee