Fri Apr 04, 2008, 03:08 AM
Hi guys,
Question on low PH effects on filter bacteria. So Discus prefer low PH, soft water (despite doing well in higher ph) as it helps to keep them healthy.
Ive been experiementing with low PH using acid to bring it down. I went down to as low as 4.7 gradually over about 3-4 weeks through water changes and held it there. I was previously at 6.4. At that time i noticed high ammonia spike's due to BH feeding and a prazi treatment (after i cleaned filter) and realised that bacteria tends to die off under a ph of 6 or so. Ammonia started before the filter clean so it wasnt caused by incorrect cleaning - but cleaning it probably didnt help.
How do those of you who keep low PH combat this problem? Do you rely on water changes, feeding small amounts to keep ammonia down. I got my ammonia cleared and i didnt see a nitrite spike at all. I have now brought my PH back up but was freaking out about the effects to the fish because the ammonia got quite high. Fish are ok, but im worried about stunting etc if i keep my PH low. I guess now i need to also get some crushed coral as the buffer is scratched so it slowly starts dropping and my water changes bring it up slowely again.
Question on low PH effects on filter bacteria. So Discus prefer low PH, soft water (despite doing well in higher ph) as it helps to keep them healthy.
Ive been experiementing with low PH using acid to bring it down. I went down to as low as 4.7 gradually over about 3-4 weeks through water changes and held it there. I was previously at 6.4. At that time i noticed high ammonia spike's due to BH feeding and a prazi treatment (after i cleaned filter) and realised that bacteria tends to die off under a ph of 6 or so. Ammonia started before the filter clean so it wasnt caused by incorrect cleaning - but cleaning it probably didnt help.
How do those of you who keep low PH combat this problem? Do you rely on water changes, feeding small amounts to keep ammonia down. I got my ammonia cleared and i didnt see a nitrite spike at all. I have now brought my PH back up but was freaking out about the effects to the fish because the ammonia got quite high. Fish are ok, but im worried about stunting etc if i keep my PH low. I guess now i need to also get some crushed coral as the buffer is scratched so it slowly starts dropping and my water changes bring it up slowely again.