View Full Version : Discus Photo Competition 2008
Mon Mar 31, 2008, 08:57 AM
You have untill 9:50am 29/5/2008 days to decide the winner from the top 6
voteing can be done here
G'day Everybody.
With a massive thank you to Discus World I am happy to announce the start of our first competition for 2008
This Comp will be for the Best Discus.
Everyone get your cameras out and start snapping your favourite fish.
The comp will run for the month of April, so all entries must be lodged by midnight April 30 2008. Once the Comp closes I will post a poll for 2 weeks so we can all vote on which is our favourite fish.
in the event of a draw with the poll the admins and advisors will vote to decide which fish wins.
Entry conditions:
1. 1 entry per post
max 3 photos per fish (3 pics per post).
a discription must be included with each entry (how long you've had the fish for what it is etc etc).
2. all entires must be your own fish
3. all photos must be taken by yourself
Photos will be judged on content NOT image quality (hence those of us with super highend cameras wont be advantaged)
The prize for this comp supplied by Discus World is 1 pair of discus + free freight to any virgin airport in Australia those outside of a virgin airport will have to pay the difference for shipping.
start snapping photos and start posting, lets see what the forum has to offer.[/b]
Tue Apr 01, 2008, 09:23 AM
dont worry im not entering just giving people an idea of what we are looking for in the comp
Mr Discus
Tue Apr 01, 2008, 09:27 AM
Okay, I am no photographer, nor do I think I will have a chance against some of the most gorgeous discus in the world on this forum...
I do however adore my Red Turquoise, he/she was my first ever discus, and now rules the roost of my display tank. So to get the ball rolling I thought I would put in an entry. He/she is by no means perfect, but I love the patterning and his/her colouring is coming along really well.
Type: Red Turquoise
How Long Owned: Approx 4 months
Feeding On: Frozen Brine Shrimp/Spirulina Mix, Frozen Bloodworms, Hagen Nutrifin Max Flake
Tue Apr 01, 2008, 12:00 PM
Excellent idea & prize guys, very impressed. This should bring out some photos of some fantastic fish! Can't wait!
Very nice start there, well done!
Just to clarify the rules, can you enter more than one of your fish? If so, is there a limit on how many you can enter?
Tue Apr 01, 2008, 12:50 PM
you can enter as many fish as you like, but 1 entry per post.
at the end of the comp i'll number all the eligible fish from 1 to whatever and put up a poll so we can vote.
Thu Apr 03, 2008, 12:49 PM
May as well join in the fun.
Type: Wild Royal Blue
How Long Owned: Purchased mid Feb 08 from Xtreme
Fed On: Home made Beef Heart mainly but also Frozen Brine Shrimp/Spirulina, Frozen Bloodworms, Mal's Dried Worms. Won't touch dry food so far.
Wayne (Xtreme) took some nice photos of this fish too, in a bare tank in his shop, but I didn't use those ('cause that'd be cheating). He looks quite different in a bare tank / bright tank. Much paler, yellow really - look at my avatar - that is this very same discus in a bare, brightly lit tank
Anyway, not a winner, but I like him anyway :D
Thu Apr 03, 2008, 12:54 PM
Type: Mixed Albino
How Long Owned: Approx 6 months from Xtreme
Fed On: Home made Beef Heart mainly but also Frozen Brine Shrimp/Spirulina, Frozen Bloodworms, Mal's Dried Worms. Tetra Color Bits, Breeders blend flake (eats anything given)
Fri Apr 04, 2008, 09:27 AM
First entry is my Snow Leopard
I came to owning him 8 months ago on a trade for my old ghost Knife Fish who at the time was picking off cardinals.
I was ecstatic with the trade as I had originally paid $25 for the Knife fish 6 months earlier.
Photos taken
1.) September 2007
2.) December 2007
3.) April 2008
The peachie/pink spots are still as strong as ever and the blue/green flexs in the fins look striking. Still not a full grown adult yet, but certainly on the path to becoming...!!!!!
Fri Apr 04, 2008, 12:39 PM
I know who I'm voting for and it starts with "TW's Wild Blue"
Sat Apr 05, 2008, 05:02 PM
I had them about 2years and they paired up on my 5' tank.
Food: All different types of food (Frozen, dry flake etc) beef heart.
They just recently had bred.
I'm just glad to share the pictures
Of course, i don't mind having more pair LOL :lol:
Fat Discus
Tue Apr 08, 2008, 11:53 AM
My Wild Caught Breeding Pr of Red Spotted Green Discus. My pide and joy. Iv had them for nearly a year now, and currently they reside in a 2x18x18 bare bottom tank. I will move them shorty back to a larger tank with plants and drift wood. Thats what they where in when they spawned the first time. I just though since they where a confirmed breeing pr, that they would breed anywhere. unfortunately Iv had no luck since moving them. I think they feel a bit more secure with the whole amozon setup. ( :roll: Well they are wilds lol
Unfortunately I dont have any photos of the pr spawning or with there fry on this computer I am on atm. If the moderators allow me too I will post furthr pictures of them with there fry.
I feed them on a diet of beef heart, high protien crumble, frozen blood worms and brine shrimp. 1/3 water change every 3 days without fail.
In the first photo you can see the exstent of ocean green the male has on his body. The female is the fish in the back ground. She has alot more red spots on her body. The photo was taken when the tank was raw.
In the second and third photo, the pr are seen with minimal stress bars. The yellowy water is due to Peat Moss exstract. A hatch rate of fry is higher with my fish when I add PE. Wilds seem to like it a bit more too
Wed Apr 09, 2008, 09:02 AM
Male Red Turq, which was purchased a year ago from Melbourne. He is the biggest male in my 450ltr communtiy tank and he is the leader. He was my first ever discus i have owned and is def my fav.
Vote for this fish and he would like to thank everyone who voted for him.
Mon Apr 14, 2008, 07:50 AM
My biggest girl in the tank. She the most placid discus ive ever had, she runs the tank but never has to get in a fight. she's about 3years old and by far my favourite.
scott bowler
Mon Apr 14, 2008, 08:12 AM
heres 1 of my fish for the comp, here is one of my browns , i have 6 of them but i think this is my fave , it has nice colour with the red and blue , they were breed by one of our advisors , and i think he did a great job hehe love these fish ,
Mon Apr 14, 2008, 10:16 AM
come on Scott, wheres the description, tell us all what it is :)
scott bowler
Mon Apr 14, 2008, 10:25 AM
ok lol
scott bowler
Thu Apr 17, 2008, 10:00 AM
ok here is a intermedite melon i have had for a while it a female one of the first fish i got from xtreme, awesome shape she a big egg layer. she has grown in to a great fish , so hope she goes ok hehe
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 06:45 AM
wow so hard to pick a winner!
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 01:48 AM
the only discus i have left :
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 01:52 AM
oops forgot to add a description :
it was sold to me as an "Oriental dream" and had the fish for over 2 yrs
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 08:33 AM
how lonely is your oriental dream... it is a gorgeous discus i can't believe no one has took him home yet.
Sat Apr 19, 2008, 08:44 AM
yes i feel so sorry for it, it does have a few other tank mates though ;) i cant believe it either, it was one of the best fish.
Tue Apr 22, 2008, 01:50 PM
Here is my entry.
The fish is the middle one in the first picture below.
I had it for two months now purchased from my LFS and I feed it (and the others) frozen bloodworms only. It is a turquoise strain I believe.
Here is another photo of he/she with the others (it is the one in the middle left)
Wed Apr 23, 2008, 12:27 PM
Posted this in the wrong place before...
Thu Apr 24, 2008, 03:03 AM
I have no idea what sex or strain it is. had it for about.... 9 months to a year.
it gets variety of food from flake/ frozen blood worms and brine shrip and beef heart mix.
Fri Apr 25, 2008, 04:09 AM
Have had this guy for about 10 months. I got him when he was about 4-5 months old so that makes him approximately 14-15 months old. No idea what sex he is, he hasn't displayed any signs of pairing up but hopefully soon he will :D
Not sure what strain he/she is but coincidently he is exactly the same strain as the pic that discusworld put up of the pair that is up for grabs.
He is fed with frozen BW, BS, BH and tetra colour bits
Fri Apr 25, 2008, 04:35 AM
I have got this guy recently. Bought him from a LFS around a month ago. I was told that he was around 16 months old when i bought him. He was sold to me as a Pineapple heckel. He is tank bred.
He is fed frozen BW, BH, BS. For some reason he only eats frozen food, he never touches pellets or flakes.
O and yes he is the same fish in my avatar.
Fri Apr 25, 2008, 05:17 AM
My Blue Diamond felt left out & wanted to join in
Type: Blue Diamond
Eats: Anything offered - home made beefheart, breeders blend flake, spectrum, tetra bits, Mal's freeze dried worms, frozen worms & brine shrimp - anything
Acquired: around August Sept 07 (not sure) from Xtreme
Comment: He/she regularly is to be found as one part of a confirmed pair guarding eggs - never survive as they're in a community tank.
Fri Apr 25, 2008, 06:56 AM
Well, you have to be in it to win it - so here goes.
This is a brown, I think. I bought it from the Blue Turq tank at the LFS so I am not sure. I like it whatever it is.
Fed a combo of flake, frozen and live foods, as is everything in my community tank.
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 03:03 AM
This guy is my last entry. I have had this guy for about 10 months. He is just over a year old. I bought him from a LFS, he was marked as a flaming sunrise discus or something like that but later found out that it was a fake name and he is just a 'pigeon'. He has recently developed spots on his body, and hopefully keeps on developing more as he gets older.
Fed frozen BW, BS, BH and tetra colour bits.
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 05:41 AM
TYPE: wild red spotted green X Red turq
HOW LONG OWNED: approx 12 months
FOOD: Beef heart, Bloodworms, dry food, earthworms
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 05:55 AM
TYPE: Heckel X Red Turq
HOW LONG OWNED: Approx 8 months
FOOD: Beefheart, Bloodworms, Dry food, Earthworms etc
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 06:01 AM
TYPE: Wild red spotted green X Red turq
HOW LONG OWNED: Approx 12 months
FOOD: Beefheart, Bloodworms, Dry food, Earthworms etc
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 06:09 AM
TYPE: Pigoen Blood
HOW LONG OWNED: Approx 6 months
FOOD: Beefheart, Bloodworm, Dry food, Earthworms etc
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 06:56 AM
TYPE: Red Turq
HOW LONG OWNED: Approx 12 months
FOOD: Beefheart, Bloodworm, Dry Food, Earthworms etc
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 07:08 AM
TYPE: Marlboro Red
HOW LONG OWNED: 18 months
FOOD: Beefheart, Bloodworm, Dry food, Earthworms etc
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 08:35 AM
Name: Golden Pigeon Blood
Age: Approx 14 months old, got her just 3 months from lfs
Feed: Hikari Bloodworms
As soon as she come in my tank (she was my second adult discus and I already got a pair) she started laying eggs, so far 8 - 9 times, male is a bit smaller and a bit younger, but on 6th spawning I got first wigglers, and they survived day 8, than she layed eggs again and, couple of hours later, fry was gone,... Next time... Considering I bought my first discus just before New Years Eve not bad...
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 11:53 AM
ENTRY #27 entry...feel free to comments ;)
i got this fish from australian breeder.
Type: Red Turquise
Own: about 3months..
Age: 2 years
Feed: Home made BH and Tetra bit Colour
Sat Apr 26, 2008, 12:00 PM
Second post:
This is my favorite :)
i got this also from australian breeder.
they are pairs perfect pairs ;)
Type: Red Turquise
Age: 2 years
Feed: home made BH and Tetra bit colour
Mon Apr 28, 2008, 02:06 AM
second post:
TYPE: Unknown to me
AGE: unknown but i've had it for less than one year.
FEED: A mixture of the fozen food variety along with flake and the occasional live brine shrimps.
Mon Apr 28, 2008, 04:23 AM
I've had her for a bit over a year I think. Bought her from a sponser, sight unseen by airmail. I'm very happy with her. She's my favourite at the moment & has just laid eggs for the first time the other week.
I feed her on discus dinner, breeder's blend flakes, discus pellets, occasional live brine & other assorted flake food. The breeder's blend is the only colour feeding mine get.
I think she's about 14cm, not including the tail, but I wouldn't want to swear to it & they don't seem to like the ruler near the (outside of) the tank.
Please forgive the photography - fish_r has assured me there's nothing wrong with the camera....
Mon Apr 28, 2008, 04:27 AM
My second fish. Recently bought from fish-r and another favourite. Also a female.
Fed on the same as the alenquer.
Mon Apr 28, 2008, 10:44 PM
These guys are my Marlboros. I have had them for about 3 - 4 months now. I feed them on Beef Heart mixture (plus a Beef heart mixed with Seafood Mixture), Forzen shrimp, Mals Freeze dried worms and i used to feed them tetra bits and frozen bloodies but stopped the last two for their potential negative effect (colouring and parasites)
Out of my Discus these would have to be the best i have based on shape, eye colour etc.
Mon Apr 28, 2008, 10:46 PM
OOPS only 1 fish its suppose to be. :banghead
Id place the male in. The one with the coloring around the gills.
Sorry Just realised as soon as i posted.
Fat Discus
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 06:35 AM
Here is my favourite Wild blue I have. Currently residing in a 2 x 18 x 18 with two other wild blues. Have owned them for 3 months now. Fed on a diet of frozen blood worms and brine shrimp, also I alternate with crumble and beef heart. The fish is roughly around 15cm
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 01:28 PM
with a prize like this, you'd be crazy not to enter.
my first entry, male pearl pigion.
i got this fish as a freebie of a mate who was getting out of discus to concentrate on goramis, has spawned over 20 time and has never raised fry, they just cant find him, I've artificially raised fry from this fish.
Size: 8 inches (almost 9.5 inches total length)
age: approx 3 years old
Food: beefheart mix, live brine shrimp, freeze dried black worms, breedersblend flake, tetra colorbits, crushed rams horn snails and guppy fry
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 01:33 PM
German Red Turk
I bought this fish as 1 of 3 from a LFS, all 3 were VERY high bodied and around 4 inches in size, after 9 months of TLC this one looks the goods, i love the dark vertical stress bars and the intense blue green and red, looks great in a planted tank. unfortunately afyter a quarentine mishap this is the last of the 3, she(?) just pulled through the plague a week ago.
size: only small 6.5 inches body length (7.5 total length)
age:approx 1 year
Food: beefheart mix, live brine shrimp, freeze dried black worms, breedersblend flake, tetra colorbits, crushed rams horn snails and guppy fry[/b]
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 01:38 PM
Briliant Blue Turk
i bought this fish of a forum member BT Gunner last year, un sure as to his age but I've had him over 12 months, he's a big boy i got him at around $ inches and now he's a good 7.5.
Size 7.5 inches body length (8.5 total)
Age: unknown at least 3 years old
Food: beefheart mix, live brine shrimp, freeze dried black worms, breedersblend flake, tetra colorbits, crushed rams horn snails and guppy fry
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 01:43 PM
Rose Red Female
I bought this girl off an ex forum member as 1 of 3, luckily she paired with a male from the same batch and has gone on to produce 5 batches of fry, as well as an excellent surrogate to the pigion male above.
Size 6.5 inches
Age: I've had her for 10 months, i estimate her age at under 2 years
Food: beefheart mix, live brine shrimp, freeze dried black worms, breedersblend flake, tetra colorbits, crushed rams horn snails and guppy fry
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 02:14 PM
My first Albino discus which i've had for 1-1/2 months now. Not an adult yet but growing very well so far.
Food: Beefheart mix, frozen blood worms, frozen brimeshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, Saechem garlic guard.
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 02:25 PM
I've had her for 1-1/2 months now and just lastnight she completed her 4th egg lay. I'm pretty sure she's fully grown, but she might still fill out alittle.
Food: Beefheart mix, frozen blood worms, frozen brimeshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, Saechem garlic guard.
Tue Apr 29, 2008, 02:30 PM
This semi Juvi is without a doubt the most interesting fish i've purchased. I've also owned him for about 1-1/2 months and absolutely love his grey/blue face and dark red cover.
Food: Beefheart mix, frozen blood worms, frozen brimeshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, Saechem garlic guard.
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 09:51 AM
Type : WLSS
Had it for approx 1.5 years
Fed on various granulated foods, Freeze Dried Blackworms and Ox heart.
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 09:56 AM
Type: Red Turk X Rose Red
Age: approx 1.5 years
Fed on various granules, Freeze Dried Blackworms and Ox heart.
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 09:58 AM
Red Turk X Rose Red
Age: approx 1.5 years
Fed on various granules, Freeze Dried Blackworms and Ox heart
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 10:12 AM
Type : Red Turk
Had it for about 2+ years
Fed on various granules, Freeze Dried Blackworms and Ox heart
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 10:20 AM
Type : Boughts as a Rose Red juvenile
age : Had it for 2+ years
Fed on various granules, Freeze Dried Blackworms and Ox heart
Sun May 04, 2008, 09:46 PM
the pair i was lloking at for the prize ended up not producing good young yet so we are going to give away a pair of white leopards cant wait to see the Right up when the winner recives them they are stunning ... any way look forward to seeing the winning pic
Sun May 04, 2008, 11:18 PM
Russell a pair of white Leopards sound fantastic. I'm sure the winner will be ecstatic winning them. Thanks again for putting forth such a great prize.... :D
Discus 41
Thu May 15, 2008, 01:22 AM
not sure how to vote or use the poll,I would like to vote for number 41#wlss,can someone let us know how to uses the system as Ibeleive you would get more people voting
Thu May 15, 2008, 01:51 AM
Sorry bout that had some trouble with the poll, just vote for your favorite fish from the 6 finalists via the poll, voteing closes 27/5/2008.
sorry you can no longer vote for 41 it didn't make the finals
Thu May 15, 2008, 01:53 AM
Hi, How do you do it? I can't select anything in the poll list. Clicking doesn't do anything for me.
Thanks for any hints for a dummy like me.
Thu May 15, 2008, 02:02 AM
on the top of the page there should be a white dot next to each of the entries just select the dot that corrosponds to the fish you want to vote for and hit submitt down the bottom of the poll
Thu May 15, 2008, 02:23 AM
Do you mean the white with the blue edging? It does not allow me to select it. I can't see any other dot. I see each entry listed 3 times, with this white circled dot next to it (to the right of the entry number).
Any other hints or something I'm missing?
Thu May 15, 2008, 05:30 AM
that the one just click on it i think you'll have to use the 1st one of your set, sorry, i buggerd the poll the 1st time when i tried to add all 40 entries
Thu May 15, 2008, 05:45 AM
Jothy I can't vote either mate. Robyn is talking about the percentage bar at the right of the entry# which isn't a hyper link.
Normally with phpBB there would be a centre bottom button called VOTE or simular.
Thu May 15, 2008, 06:36 AM
that the one just click on it i think you'll have to use the 1st one of your set I can't click on any of the dots. Matt, I'm glad you can't either - that means it's not just me.
Thu May 15, 2008, 06:40 AM
Yeh only two people have voted which makes me believe either the POLL has finished OR that only admins/mods can actually vote. I'm sure Jothy will have it fixed soon.
Also.... VOTE ENTRY #40
SAN MERAH FTW..!!!!!!!
Thu May 15, 2008, 06:47 AM
sorry just wondering, so what has determined these 6 finalists on the poll? Maybe the admins have picked out the best 6 and from there on out we vote for our fav?
Btw i can't vote either :(
Thu May 15, 2008, 07:17 AM
sorry just wondering, so what has determined these 6 finalists on the poll? Maybe the admins have picked out the best 6 and from there on out we vote for our fav?
First.... everybody had 4 weeks to list there entries.
Then two weeks were given for everybody to (vote) PM there choice to ILLUSN. Upon the most popular choices these have now been listed for the POLL which i'm sure will be working soon.
Thu May 15, 2008, 01:29 PM
Also.... VOTE ENTRY #40 SAN MERAH FTW..!!!!!!!
Seriously though Matt, I love your San Merah. That's one gorgeous fish
Thu May 15, 2008, 08:18 PM
Makes at least 3 wh oare not allowed to vote - I can not selecy any of those dots ...
Thu May 15, 2008, 11:54 PM
Sorry everyone dont know what i did to bugger up the poll.
please vote here
you have 2 weeks to cast your vote.
Fri May 16, 2008, 02:48 AM
Just tried it again and it does not work for me ... HELP!!!
Fri May 16, 2008, 02:50 AM
Did you click on the new link ILLUSN provided in his post above yours. Takes you to a completely new thread. It works for me there.
Fri May 16, 2008, 03:22 AM
Well, it does not take me to a totally new thread - it is the same as before I just see that others can vote as their are by now 6 votes counted. Clicking on the white bar next to the entry number does not do anything ... how depressing :evil:
Fri May 16, 2008, 04:09 AM
you can only vote once, dont click the bar you need to click the white dot to the right of the entry name. once you've done that your vote will be counted. if you can see the white bar then either you have voted or you've clicked the "view results" below.
try deleting cookies and clearing your temporary internet files if your having trouble.
Sat May 17, 2008, 04:37 AM
You know what? Get the system cleared up before making snidy remarks ... LOL
Thanks to a more educated suggestion I was finally able to vote
Sat May 17, 2008, 06:03 AM
lol... is someone having a 'n00b' moment?
ILLUSN is right.... if you can see the voting percentages then either you have voted or you've clicked the "view results" button. The system works fine.
Sat May 17, 2008, 06:03 AM
lol... is someone having a 'n00b' moment?
ILLUSN is right.... if you can see the voting percentages then either you have voted or you've clicked the "view results" button. The system works fine.
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