Sun Mar 30, 2008, 07:00 AM
I am planning to swap the really fast growing plants, like ambulia and rotala walchari for some nice big (preferably exotic) swords or crypts.
4 WPG makes for some crazy weekly pruning :lol:
3-4 of Big red swords and maybe a Crypt Balanese or Wendtii would be nice! Any of you planted tank junkies got some spare :D
I will pay of course... and could swap (or part swap) for some Vallis, chain swords, pogostemon stelata, giant ambulia, rotala walchari, and maybe a little rotala macrandra and bacopa
Pick up in Syd pref....
I am planning to swap the really fast growing plants, like ambulia and rotala walchari for some nice big (preferably exotic) swords or crypts.
4 WPG makes for some crazy weekly pruning :lol:
3-4 of Big red swords and maybe a Crypt Balanese or Wendtii would be nice! Any of you planted tank junkies got some spare :D
I will pay of course... and could swap (or part swap) for some Vallis, chain swords, pogostemon stelata, giant ambulia, rotala walchari, and maybe a little rotala macrandra and bacopa
Pick up in Syd pref....