View Full Version : Hello from Sydney

Mon Mar 24, 2008, 12:32 AM

I am new to this forum. Look forward to hear from you all.



my tank:
6 foot planted

My discus:
5 medium size - see photo


Mon Mar 24, 2008, 02:18 AM
Welcome Jang....;)

Your photo has me very intrigued to see more of your tank. Any chance you could post some full lenght shots?
Tank setup looks great and your discus all look healthy and of good colour.

Mon Mar 24, 2008, 05:35 AM
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the welcome.
Here is the full length tank shot as of last week.


The tank is relatively very new and I just bought the discus two weeks ago. It remains to be seen whether or not I can maintain them. That is why I join this forum to get knowledge and help from others.


Mon Mar 24, 2008, 05:42 AM
Mate..... your tank is very impressive. It's like something you'd see in the AGA Aquascaping Contest. Well done.....!!!!
So what are your tank specs?

There's plenty of information about keeping discus here and if you can't find it, feel free to ask.

Mon Mar 24, 2008, 08:47 AM

Thanks for your feedback. I started the tank as a planted tank, but then I bought some discus. Goodness know what the tank will eventually be - planted or discus bare bottom :)

Anyway, here is the spec:

Size: 6X2X2 foot (approx 600 litres)
Lighting: Aqua One MG1500 - 3x150Watts MH and 6 flourescent tubes (about 10 hours per day photo period)
Equipment: Heater - Eheim Jager 3609
Filter - Fluval fx5 cannister filter with carbon and peat medium
CO2: compressed CO2 in tank plus Red Sea CO2 pro kit (regulator, neddle valve, etc)
Substrate: 10 bags of Eco complete, 2 bags of Flora Base and 1.5 bags of white crushed marble
Water Parameters: PH=6.6, Amonia=0.25ppm, Nitrite=0, Nitrate=5ppm
Fertilization: Seachem Flourish, Seachem Excel, Seachem Iron, Seachem Potassium plus Sera Flore Plus tablets.
Plants: glosso, anubia, val, hairgrass, java moss and a little bit of HC, Poggo.
Inhabitants: 6 SAE, 5 discus, 20 rummy noses, 20 cardinal tetras, red nose shrimps, 4 bristle noses plus a few apple snails
Hard scape: some rocks and drift woods.

Mon Mar 24, 2008, 08:53 AM
by the way ... what is the name of the discus strain that I bought? (Pardon the ignorance.. I am still a newbie).

Mon Mar 24, 2008, 09:42 AM
Thx for the specs...;)
The driftwood and especially the rocks really help make your tank look professional surrounded by the plants.

Judging by the photo looks like you've got yourself a mixed bag of the turquoise strain. Some have the snakeskin pattern and others the leopard. There's also a hint of brown. Maybe some of the pro's here can help you decipher exactly what they are.