View Full Version : discus eggs
Mon Mar 17, 2008, 01:49 AM
Mt pair have laid eggs 5 times i a community tank. I have moved them into a breeder tank and this is the second time they have laid. It has been 2-3 days since the eggs pictured were laid. They seem like they are getting "bubbles underneath them. Is this normal. The male is also VERY aggressive toward the female this time. He chases her from the eggs and across the breeder tank nipping at her. Is this normal? Please look at the pictures and see if you think the eggs are fertilized and if they look normal. Appreciate any help or suggestions you might have
Mon Mar 17, 2008, 02:48 AM
Hard to see in that pic, are the eggs covered in fungus?
by this stage you should be able to see little balck dot in each eggas the developing fry moves around.
if the male stays aggro, remove the female and let him raise the brood on his own.
Mon Mar 17, 2008, 04:34 AM
Jeff, fertile eggs are orange, and tend to darken as you see the black eye spot developing in the centre of the egg.
From the photo, your eggs look like they have turned white with fungus.
If your male is young, he may simply need more time and practice before he can fertilize the eggs properly.
Mon Mar 17, 2008, 06:03 PM
Yes they appear to have something on them. They are brownish orange in color. Is this just a normal step in them getting it right? I think they were fertilized because I have had them solid white before, like they had not been fertilized.. Do I need to just let them keep trying. This is the sixth batch of eggs. At least now they have got past the stage of eating them. How long does it usuallY take to hatch. How many times does it usually take for the pair to get it right. The male seems to get a little more agressive toward the female on each batch. Is this also normal. I hate to split them up after they lay, but he is chasing and nipping her pretty hard. Hate for something to happen to her. THANKS FOR EVERYONES HELP
Mon Mar 17, 2008, 10:43 PM
Next time they lay try adding some meth blue to the water, just 1 drop/L of tank volume will do.
the eggs should hatch between 50-72hrs after being fertilized.
if the male is agro, either take him out or take out or the female and just leave 1 parent to raise the brood, if you have a spare female you could remove the male and try and run 2 spawns at once.
Tue Mar 18, 2008, 12:54 PM
do you know where I can get the meth blue in the U.S. . Is it called by any other name. Do you have to have a prescription
Tue Mar 18, 2008, 03:14 PM
can get it from alot of pet sites. Heres one if you want they ship from ohio so not to far from you maN
Tue Mar 18, 2008, 09:29 PM
Thanks a lot everyone
Wed Mar 19, 2008, 02:08 AM
Just a lil tip with the Methylene Blue. That stuff stains really badly so be careful. Maybe use a suringe. I learnt that hard way :roll:
Gone Fishing
Fri Mar 21, 2008, 06:03 AM
Hi All,
Where can you get Methylene Blue in Sydney?
Many Fishy Regards
Fri Mar 21, 2008, 06:13 AM
any LFs will have meth blue.
big w and K mart often have it aswell in the pet section
Gone Fishing
Fri Mar 21, 2008, 06:27 AM
Thanks again ILLUSN! You're always a big help.
Many Fishy Regards
Gone Fishing
Sun Mar 23, 2008, 11:19 AM
I'm at a conundrum! I've got "DISCUS, The Naked Truth" and it says for administering Methylene Blue to your fish tank to prevent egg fungus the ratio should be
50ml to 100Litres of water.
0.5ml to 1 Litre of water
I purchased an anti-fungus treatment from my LFS
(Aquatopia Australia - MULTI-FIX Broad Spectrum Medication) but it has an Active Constituents: 0.400mg/ml MALACHITE GREEN
and it says 5 drops of their medication equals to 0.25ml.
0.5ml = 10 drops of medication
Well I worked out to treat my 75 litre tank, by the above books recommendation, I must use 750 drops (37.5ml) medication / 75 ltr of water
By your ratio 1 drop/1 Litre of water.
I'm confused! Are my calculations wrong? Why is there such a large difference in ratios between yours and the books?
Many Kindly Fishy regards
Sun Mar 23, 2008, 10:19 PM
i dont like meth blue, it stains the tank, the rubbers the airline, the sponges everything. I also found alot of fry dying at the recomended dose once they hatched (I couldn't dilute it out of the water fast enough).
at a low dose it seemed just enough to keep the fungus at bay long enough for the eggs to hatch. i still lose 8% to fungus, but thats better then 100%
also you're no treating disease on a living fish, your using it as a inhibitory measure against possible fungus attack.
i'd try and find pure meth blue its less harsh then your combo.
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