Wed Mar 12, 2008, 06:41 AM
I just got a group of 10 juvenilles (a little over 2in) and while they have good color and have HUGE appetites (they even prefer eating out of my hand to me just dropping food in), I was noticing that occasionally they will rub themselves against plant leaves or the gravel on the bottom. I've read that rubbing themselves on things in the tank usually means parasites, but those diagnoses always describe the discus regularly rubbing themselves. My discus don't seem to be doing this all that "regularly" though. I see it happen only a few times a day if at all (the tank is right by my desk so I'm with them most of the day) and no more than twice a day for a given discus.
Does this qualify as regularly? Do my discus have parasites or is this normal? I presume some people might suggest I treat for parasites just in case, but I've got a school of clown loaches who don't take too kindly to medications. If I must treat, does anyone know of an antiparasitic medication that is loach friendly?
Does this qualify as regularly? Do my discus have parasites or is this normal? I presume some people might suggest I treat for parasites just in case, but I've got a school of clown loaches who don't take too kindly to medications. If I must treat, does anyone know of an antiparasitic medication that is loach friendly?