View Full Version : Online suppliers?

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 11:12 AM
Can anyone recommend on-line suppliers of Discus who are willing to ship interstate?

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 11:34 AM
Rod Lewis any day. The guy has great discus, reasonably priced, well packaged when sent interstate, and has great customer support. They buy from him all the way over there in the US, so that says a lot.


I wouldn't buy from anyone else. I've ordered from others and they didn't turn out as expected (pictures on website are not what you get), or they forget your order ("oh, we forgot to send it to you, we thought you were someone else...").

I'm sure there are other good people out there too, I just haven't found any.

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 02:13 PM
rod lewis is a definate source of high quality and reasonably priced discus. you will also get great imports and high quality discus from Slippery Little Suckers (or SLS...who sponsor this site).

they are two of the best choices i think

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 02:18 PM