Fri Mar 07, 2008, 09:19 AM
Hi all,
I have just had to remove one of my SAEs from my planted tank as he has what looks like dropsy. Not sure what has caused it, tank stats as follows:
Nitrates <10
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
ph 6.4
temp 31oC
I've read that it can be caused by bad water, stress, or poor nutrition. I can rule out bad water I think - the discus, cardinals and rummy noses are fine.
poor nutrition unlikely as they like to scoff lady red's beefheart mix along with dried blood worms, dried blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and the flake I feed the tetras.
I did have to chop back the plants yesterday - which sent the discus into temporary hiding...
anyway, it only seems to be one fish, I've put him in a small 10 litre hospital tank (too small I know, but its all I have on hand) and added salt @ 1/2 tsp - 10 litres and 1 ml melafix.
is there anything else I can do??
I've attached some pics also..
I have just had to remove one of my SAEs from my planted tank as he has what looks like dropsy. Not sure what has caused it, tank stats as follows:
Nitrates <10
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
ph 6.4
temp 31oC
I've read that it can be caused by bad water, stress, or poor nutrition. I can rule out bad water I think - the discus, cardinals and rummy noses are fine.
poor nutrition unlikely as they like to scoff lady red's beefheart mix along with dried blood worms, dried blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and the flake I feed the tetras.
I did have to chop back the plants yesterday - which sent the discus into temporary hiding...
anyway, it only seems to be one fish, I've put him in a small 10 litre hospital tank (too small I know, but its all I have on hand) and added salt @ 1/2 tsp - 10 litres and 1 ml melafix.
is there anything else I can do??
I've attached some pics also..