View Full Version : SAE with dropsy/bloat

Fri Mar 07, 2008, 09:19 AM
Hi all,

I have just had to remove one of my SAEs from my planted tank as he has what looks like dropsy. Not sure what has caused it, tank stats as follows:

Nitrates <10
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
ph 6.4
temp 31oC

I've read that it can be caused by bad water, stress, or poor nutrition. I can rule out bad water I think - the discus, cardinals and rummy noses are fine.
poor nutrition unlikely as they like to scoff lady red's beefheart mix along with dried blood worms, dried blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and the flake I feed the tetras.

I did have to chop back the plants yesterday - which sent the discus into temporary hiding...

anyway, it only seems to be one fish, I've put him in a small 10 litre hospital tank (too small I know, but its all I have on hand) and added salt @ 1/2 tsp - 10 litres and 1 ml melafix.

is there anything else I can do??

I've attached some pics also..

Fri Mar 07, 2008, 02:56 PM
that fish is too far gone to save, you'll have to keep a close eye on the rest of the fish, dropsy has a bad habbit of picking off all your fish one by one. have some food medicated with a broad spectrum antibiotic handy (save a capsuel from your next trip to the doctor).

you'll need it if your discus start to show symptoms.

Fri Mar 07, 2008, 09:18 PM
thanks for the reply.. He is still alive this morning and I read somewhere that epsom salts at 20mg/litre can help so I might try that anyway...

how long do think it would be before I see symptoms in other fish?

Fri Mar 07, 2008, 09:46 PM
epson salts will bring it down but in my exp once the scales protrude its too late, gentamyacin works at 200mg/50g of food at early stages, a penicillian streptomyacin combination also works in early stages.

the rest of your fish may never come down with it, a high temp and good diet with clean water will kelp keep it away.

it could be weeks to months, an old tank of mine (betta's) dropped off at about 1 fish every 4-6weeks.

Tue Mar 11, 2008, 12:48 AM
very depressing news:

I managed to help the poor SAE with epson salts, aquariums salts and regular water changes. yesterday he was back to normal - totally de-bloated, eating and swimming about...

then the stupid fish jumped out of the tank and suffocated!!!!

I had put a plate over the top to stop him doing so but there was a tiny gap and he jumped :(

Such a shame - I was so pleased he was on the mend..

guess he wasn't meant for this life :angel