View Full Version : EOI: 3X18X14 ADA Planted Tank - pickup from Chatswood!

Thu Mar 06, 2008, 12:29 AM

For details on the tank and it's origins,

the tank is up for offer as an entire package (everything you've seen me put into it, plants, fish, inverts, wood, filters, heaters, dupla co2, lights, tank, cabinet etc)

Lighting: 96watt 6700k CF AH Supply - comes with 2 spare 96watt CF bulbs worth $30 ea. (another 3 yrs+ worth of light)

Fertilisation: Dry dosing + seachem flourish

Substrate: FULL ADA (!) Aquasoil (2X 9litre), Powersand and 5 substrate powders.

Co2: Dupla 750gram bottle, Dupla Delta regulator, Dupla Magnetic Solenoid, ceramic diffuser, Dupla bubble counter

Heating: Hydor ETH inline 300 watt

Filtration: Eheim 2217 with Cal Aqua Lab Lily pipes and clear tubing

Plants: Christmas moss, hairgrass, narrow leaf chainsword, Rotala macarantha, Didiplis diandra, Crypt sp., Crypt balansae

Fish: Lots! 2 X Apistogramma inridae 1 X Microgeophagus ramirezi ~11 Harlequin rasbora, 4 rummynose, 4 cardinals, 1 glass bloodfin, 10+ Endler guppies, 2m 4f neon rainbows, 3 pearl danios, bristlenose, algae eating shrimp, 1 hastatus cory, 2m 1f cherry barbs, 1m1f honey blue eyes.

It's a quality setup looking for a quality price, otherwise I'll slowly break it down and sell the parts :)

Please call me 0412 588 389 - pickup from Chatswood, I will help you pack the plants and the fish..
