Tue Mar 04, 2008, 11:12 PM
im treating a fish in the hosptial tank at the moment with metro and is it crucial to get the ph down to 5, as i did not do this last night i just mixed up the metro and put it in the tank. Do i have to drop my ph if so whats the best way to do it and there is sand in the bottom of the tank, does this matter as well.
Discus was hidding in corners not eating but had full colour and I couldnt see anything else wrong with the fish, not sure why he is acting strangly. Any idears. cheers Axl
im treating a fish in the hosptial tank at the moment with metro and is it crucial to get the ph down to 5, as i did not do this last night i just mixed up the metro and put it in the tank. Do i have to drop my ph if so whats the best way to do it and there is sand in the bottom of the tank, does this matter as well.
Discus was hidding in corners not eating but had full colour and I couldnt see anything else wrong with the fish, not sure why he is acting strangly. Any idears. cheers Axl