View Full Version : Artificial Prankton-Rotifer

Thu Feb 28, 2008, 01:38 AM
Has anyone actually tried using APR in artificial fry feeding? http://www.aquaticeco.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product.detail/iid/5864/cid/1515http://www.discuspro.com/breeding2.htm. It apparently doesn't foul water as egg mixture did. But how exactly this APR works I don't know.

I tried the egg method until day 5 and all fries die. Its my 3rd attempt using egg.

Thu Feb 28, 2008, 03:07 AM
I'd love to try it, but ciuldn't find it in australia, powdered brine shrimp food is an alternative that I've tried with good results.

Fri Feb 29, 2008, 12:34 AM
Feed fry with powdered brine shrimp with good result? Wow, I am very interested. Where did u get that from? any website I can buy from in Australia? How do u feed them? Do u need to mix them into paste first or do u just drop the powder into the bowl where u have the fry and they will start feeding? Because from my observation, most fry will stick to the side of tank or bowl, they won't feed from bottom nor top. Wow! earnestly awaiting your reply!

As for APR, I believe I have seen it somewhere in S'pore, have yet to confirm if that is what I saw. But if what I saw is APR, then it is in quite a big can which I believe I will not need that much especially if I'm not even sure if it works.

Fri Feb 29, 2008, 12:52 AM
I raised the fry in a 1L ice cream tub with a small 5w light above, I fed the fry with bbs, i sorted the bbs through a combination live food sieve so as only the smallest went in then i added 1/4pinch of the bbs food to the container, so as it floated on the surface.

the airation was very slight just 1 bubble every 2-3 seconds (i used a gang valve and a needle valve from a co2 system to set this).

the water was changed 30-60 min after each feeding, and they were fed 3x a day on week days(work days) and 6x a day pon weekends.

I didn't add any brine shrimp food on the last feed of the day after the 1st week, just the bbs.

I kept this up for 2 weeks then i just fed just bbs and i had about a 35-40% sucess rate at the 2 week mark.

from the entire batch (about 130 fry) I got 20 to the size of 5-10c pice before i had a problem that nearly wiped out all the fry in the tank.

i now have 10 at 50c pice size.

i got the food from age of aquariums


and the sieve from ASA


Fri Feb 29, 2008, 03:12 AM
Thank you very very much for the information and link. :lol:
Will try with my next batch of fry, if any. Thanks again!!!