View Full Version : fish not eating please help

alan j t
Tue Feb 26, 2008, 07:33 AM
i have two juvies in a q tank
one is eating one is not
the one not eating is getting worse everyday
ive tried earthworms tubivex frozen food and garlic
before all the live food i gave then prazi thinking it was worms because the fish seemed really skinny and not really trying to eat
so this is why he and another is in a q tank
now under observation the skinny fish is getting skinnyer and skinnyer

all the fish in my display tank and q tank has had 2 shot of prazi
what do i do now
please help

Tue Feb 26, 2008, 10:46 PM
ok, you need to get them eating ASAP, try some live brine shrimp, if possible feed them up on spirolina before you feed them to your fish.

alan j t
Wed Feb 27, 2008, 12:14 AM
i just atched some bbs but they are so tiny
i squirted some in the tank but they dont seem to notice
can i raise them the shrimps to get bigger
could i add flakes that have spirulina
my ram fry love it though and tetras to chow down on it (other tanks)

Wed Feb 27, 2008, 02:55 AM
you'll need adult shrimp for the bigger fish, if you can add a tsp of spriolina powder (dislove it in water first) to the brine shrimp tank the adult shrimp will chow down on it and you'll see green in the digestive tract, feed these to your fish.

the other thing that works well if they still swim to you for food is crushed ramshorn snails from your tank, but these must be worm free to avoid making the fish worse.

alan j t
Wed Feb 27, 2008, 06:20 AM
ill try the snail right away
as far as adult brine shrimp im s o l