View Full Version : White Poo
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 02:58 AM
Hi guys,
I noticed a weird thing on saturday.
Wes, our 9ish cm discus, was all sheepish and depressed.... He usually rules the roost....
Anyway, we noticed he did a long white poo... anyway.... we thought 'oh know, Wes has worms'...... so we set about preparing a hospital tank...
Yesterday, Wes was back to his old self, swimming around, eating food and doing brown poos..... (still in the main community tank).
has anyone seen this before... can they just have a bad day like us?
I am just a bit reluctant to move him if he is ok.....
the german
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 03:24 AM
just tread the whole tank mate,when one has it all have it. use big L.
you find instructions in the sticky's
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 03:28 AM
I would, but i have other fish in there including tetras.....
The meds that we have recomend against exposing to tetras.
the german
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 03:30 AM
bad for the tetras mate,i dont know but for the sake of some tetras i wouldnt risk my discus.
but its up to you.
maybe there are some other medications in australia u can use.
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 04:11 AM
we have another small tank set up... shouldnt we remove him and treat him?
what do other people do in this situation?
the german
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 04:18 AM
you can move him but they will all have worms mate,he's just the first one you saw it.
i keep discus only with catfish and they all have to go thru one levamisole treatment every 12 month.
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 04:24 AM
hmmm you might be right there....
maybe we should move the tetra out and treat the tank.
we also have a gourami and danios in the tank and a couple bristlenose catfish. are they usually effected by worm treatments?
the german
Mon Feb 18, 2008, 04:36 AM
i keep peppies and common BN with my discus and they are fine with it.
the tetras... i dont know what you can do but there has to be a way to treat them with something else.
Wed Feb 20, 2008, 10:12 PM
Ok... tank it treated.....
I managed to catch and relocate half of the tetras, but the remaing ones were too quick for me to catch....
The stuff we have is.... SCIENCE Aqua Worm....
It is in tablet form with a dose of 1 tablet for 20L water....
So i did a water change yesterday, and added 13 tablets to the water i was adding to the tank.....(for a 4ft tank)
These tablets didnt disolve very well... i left them to disolve for an hour before adding to the tank. The tablets broke apart, but didnt really disolve. When i added the water to the tank, it looked like it had been snowing.....
Has anyone else used this product or had this experience?
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 02:52 AM
Yeh Simon thats why BIG L (lavamisole) is highly recommended for treating Discus. It comes in a liquid form which you can mix with dryed foods (eg freeze dryed blackworms) for maximum results.
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 03:44 AM
Thanks Matt....
I didnt see that in the german's first post :oops:
We already had the science stuff anyway....
I will let it run its course...
I added the tablets, then as per instructions ill do a 25% water change after 48 hrs... so ill do that on saturday morning....
They mention a re-treatment after 7 days....
Instead of this, Ill try the BigL if I have doubts the Science stuff didnt work.
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 03:59 AM
BTW... the active ingredient in the science product is Praziquantel.....
Half way through reading the lavamisole thread... and i think ill try that anyway......
oh and the tetra are still swiming normally....
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 12:46 PM
Yeh I would wait and see what effects the tablets have had. Worst case is that the worms still exist and you have to treat with BIG L.
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 12:53 PM
dunno if i am lucky or what, but big l treatment has never affected my tetras or catties at all
Thu Feb 21, 2008, 10:04 PM
thats cool...
hopefully me tetras survive as well...
the snow finally disapeared yesterday, so its all disolved now....
ill observe whats going on over the next week or so, treat with Big L
How long should i wait?
Also, wheres the best place to buy it?
Sat Feb 23, 2008, 10:25 AM
I did the 20-25% water change this morning.....
Wes has been doing brown poos now.... so maybe its fixed?!?!
I think ill treat with Big L as a procautionary measure.....
When should I do it (how long should i wait)....
And where do I get it?
Sat Feb 23, 2008, 11:09 AM
ok....did some googling....does $17.55 +$5 for postage sound ok?[/quote]
the german
Sat Feb 23, 2008, 11:39 AM
i would do a levamisole treatment after 2 weeks.
17.95 for how much?
i pay 24$ for 1l but i pick it up
Sun Feb 24, 2008, 04:10 AM
thats only for 500ml
where did you get your from?
the german
Sun Feb 24, 2008, 01:03 PM
from a horse place here in perth,they sell everything to do with horses.
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