View Full Version : Help with sick discus

Sun Feb 17, 2008, 10:39 AM
I am currently being bombarded with sick discus.

2 discus in my BB tank have fallen ill with stringy clear faeces. I am ucrrently treating them in a 10L bucket with an airstone and 50W heater. I went to my LFS and told them the symptoms of my discus, i asked if metro was a good idea he said yeah metro will do it but instead he offered me one of his products called "Huey Hung's super killed" (internal parasite killer). I'm pretty sure its manufactured in Taiwan, anyways i bought it seeing as he gave me a $5 discount :? My discus have been in the bucket with the medication for 1 1/2 days now, not eating much but then again its only been 1 and a half days. Just wondering if anyone has used this medication and if it is effective? NOTE: It does NOT say what it contains :x

Any my other two discus in my planted tank have been sick for quite a while, ive tried using the medication above to get rid of internal parasites but doubt it is. 1 of them is just shedding cotton like clear slime and not eating (my other discus had this too, it was alot more "serious" though and it passed out last night :evil: ).
The other is eating BARELY (maybe he swallows 1 or 2 brine shrimp a day, the rest he spits out), he was a healthy leopard but has now changed his behaviour, his fins are shaking REALLY fast and one half of his side seems dead, the left gill and fin are not moving, the gill isnt breathing and the fin is just stuck on his body (not always, but mostly). I'm not exactly sure what diseases those discus have, help with what disease they have and cures would be great.

This is my first time my discus have been sick and the first time i've ever treated them so my experience with discus diseases is very little :cry:

Mon Feb 18, 2008, 07:52 AM
so nobody has any suggestions? im going to start force feeding these buggers 8-) theyve been starving for around 2 weeks :(

Mon Feb 18, 2008, 09:37 AM
I would say that your fish may have hex, which is treated with metro and gill flukes, which is treated with prazi. I am no expert on this at all and have nerver heard of the medication that you mentioned.

I hope this helps


Mon Feb 18, 2008, 10:01 AM
there's a piece of paper that came inside the box that says the disease symptoms and cures. There's three types of huey hung's medication super, bacteria, and general killer. I only have super killer currently. It DOES work as my discus no longer has white faeces but i think it has flukes as it is showing the symptoms of it. I am thinking about going to my LFS tomorrow to get huey hung's bacteria killer.

Here is a great link with the exact copy of the symptoms/causes/medication that i have.

Tue Feb 19, 2008, 06:53 AM
Weird, the discus i treated for hex healed as in they no longer have white stringy poop.I then moved them into my display tank (with plants, gravel and driftwood) where the other discus fell ill in (those discus are'nt in the tank). Even though the discus which tanzy suspects has flukes werent in the tank and i did a 90% WC, the next morning they were acting EXACTLY the same as the sick discus, hiding behind my huge driftwood and never coming out... not eating and not even moving. They were facing up in a 45o angle even though the tank is fully aerated with a sponge filter and airstone. I think they got infected too.... any suggestions? :?