View Full Version : Help White Spot on fish, not ick !!

Thu Dec 02, 2004, 03:02 PM
Hi all,

Here is the scenario, almost half of my fish in a 4 tanks central filter system is growing white spot on their body!!

i believed it is not ick as my water temp is always above 28C and change with same temp aged water. My fish is shaking their body, i think it must be some external parasite disease.

Water temp 30C, Ph 7.0, Ammonia 0.

It started almost 2 week ago, when two juvi discus has gill fluke, i removed them to hospital for treatment.

one week ago, one of the discus has white spot on tail fin, so i just raise the temp to 30C and add salt.

a few days ago, almost half of my fish has white spot on them, so i just added mutli-cure in all tanks. i only put 20% of suggested dosage because i got baby discus in one tank.

Until now the white spot is still spreading !!!

Help any advices, comments are welcomed!!

Thu Dec 02, 2004, 10:43 PM
There is a brand call Aquarium science products..a bottle with grey cap...it has a product called "white spot remedy"
I just use it on my guppy fry last nite...and this morning all white spots are gone....and all fry are still very active.... it's only a 3 ltr tank on my office desk...(no filter, no air pump, around 22 guppy fries)...

Thu Dec 02, 2004, 10:54 PM
I am sure guppy fry can be cure in this kind of condition....
your discus should be no problem too...
I hope it work on large fish like discus too...I never try on my discus..as they never have white spot..give it a try..won't hurt..
GOOD LUCK.. :D :wink: