View Full Version : Weird something making Discus sick, please help!
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 02:41 AM
Hi all
Our big Discus, about 6" SL, has suddenly developed a weird kind of crusty looking white edging on his top and bottom fins and his tail. Nothing on his pectorals. Also his slime coat is looking not so healthy at the moment, and he's darkened up considerably. Please help, have no idea what it could be! He lives in a community tank with 3 Juvenile Discus, some otoclinus, 4 female bettas and a scarlet pleco who is very well fed.
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 02:44 AM
Any chance of a photo? could it be some kind of fungus?
and can you please post up your water quality (NH3, NO3, NO2 PH, KH temp)
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 03:40 AM
Hi again
Thanks so much for your help. Here's the water parameters:
1. Water parameters
a) 84 F
b) Ph - 6.5
c) Kh - 4
d) Other: O2 - good
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, levels. NH4 6ppm, NO2 .25ppm, NO3 2
f) Water change frequency - 50%/week
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 30 gal
b) Substrate. White sand, planted
c) Filtration. Hang on back Penguin and Eheim Classic canister
d) Furnishings. A few pieces of slate and a big bogwood
e) Other tank mates. 3 Juvenile Discus, some otoclinus, 4 female bettas and an L25 Scarlet Pleco
f) How long has it been set-up? 5 months
g) When was the last new fish added? a week ago, two of the bettas
3. Symptoms / Problem description
see above
4. Action taken (if any)
No action taken yet, don't know what to do
5. Medications used (if any)
None yet
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 04:56 AM
Hi again
Here's some pics that show how he's looking...
We put in Ammonia Detoxifyer and some Stress Coat.
Anyway, pics.
You can see his skin and the tail here
<img src=>
Good pic of his top fin and tail
<img src=>
Really good of his top fin, tail, and you can see where his skin is weirdish of slime
<img src=>
You can really see where his slime is weird here
<img src=>
Thanks again for your help!
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 05:09 AM
your problem is the ammonia and NO2,
do nice big DAILY changes to get them down to 0 then keep them up for another month or 2 and the fish should recover.
your filters arnt propperly established yet or you've wiped them out with something.
howlong has the tank been running?
4 discus in a 30gal is way too many, you'll need a bigger tank once the littlies grow up or do 50% changes every 2-3 days.
the L25 will be putting aLot of extra bioload on the system as well and will grow to 45cm (1.5 feet in length) way too big for a 30gal.
refer to this link for more info of possible problems with your L25
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 09:06 AM
Yes, we know about the size issues, planning on moving everyone in a few months when we can afford another bigger tank. We'll step up the water changes for sure. Thanks.
Thu Feb 07, 2008, 11:31 AM
go and get yourself a few packets of bio zorb.
Place one or two within the cannister. I used to have a cannister just for these and a seperate one for filter medium.
Up keep your water changes and change a zorb packet every month.
get that new tank asap mate or sell off a few fish.
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