View Full Version : Heaters

Tue Feb 05, 2008, 12:41 PM
I've always used Ebo Jagers, but the last few have had problems.
I would like to hear some recommendations.
My large tank is a 180, so I would like to use two heaters at the most if possible, and a shorter tube would suit better as I prefer to keep them in the sump of my wet/dry.

Bryon :?:

Tue Feb 05, 2008, 10:36 PM
Sorry to hear about that, as far as a glass heater goes Jagers are the best you can buy.

if your looking for something smaller for a sump, maybe a stainless steel heater with external thermostat is the way to go, theres a few available online and some are up to 600w.

Mr Discus
Wed Feb 06, 2008, 01:56 AM
I agree with ILLUSN - get a titanium heater with external thermostat and external temp control. I got mine off ebay for about $80 AU. It is awesome. The heater element is very compact and the external adjustment and remote thermostat are fantastic.

The only thing to check before buying is the length of the cords going from the unit to the heater, and from the unit to the thermostat. Make sure they are long enough for where you want to put them.

Wed Feb 06, 2008, 02:57 AM
Thanks to all.
The external thermostat sounds good.
Crawling under the cabinet to adjust a heater is no picnic.

Bryon :lol: