View Full Version : Should I switch some things around?

Fri Jan 25, 2008, 05:19 PM
Hello all,
I have previously posted about putting some discus in my 46 gal bow front that is planted med-high light Co2 and all that fun stuff....

However I was thinking that I also have a 55 gallon that currently has my angel community. I have 6 angels that are in the process of forming a pair and when that happens I could move the pair (since I have to split them up anyway) to the 46 gal tank and then start getting the 55 ready for discus.
(I had already planned to return the other 4 angels once I got my pair as they will give me store credit as well maybe I can get a nice piece of driftwood in trade.)

It is actually VERY easy to do water changes on the 55 since my husband built in a drain line that I have the python hooked to permanently underneath and a small waterline is plumbed in and I have the water line running straight into the tank (we are looking into an auto top off for it)

This tank is med-low light and it is also planted but I have been considering re-doing the substrate anyway which would mean I have to remove all of the fish anyway.

My reservation is that the water line for refilling is cold only and might drop the temp too much during water changes. Currently to combat this I slowly add a few pitchers of hot water as it is filling which of course I could continue to do.

It would be very easy to do daily water changes with this set up if necessary.

What do you all think?

And in this case I think the tank would also have 1 BN pleco and a small school of neons or cardinal tetra.

ANY advice/comments are welcome.

Fri Jan 25, 2008, 08:26 PM
try to avoid temp shock if you can, discus arn'y fragile fish but they dont take sudden changes in temp very well.

if the 55 will be easier for you to keep clean then that would be the tank for the discus.

again you dont NEED daily changes unless you intend to over stock and over feed. if you had 5 discus in the 55 with a couple of BN's and a scholl of 20 cardinals (they handel the high temps better than neons) you could get away with 2x 30% water changes a week.

Sun Jan 27, 2008, 01:51 AM
Well I just did a water change on the 55 today and I would say it is actually easier to do the water change on the 46 because of having to balance out the temperature to avoid shock.

That water is so cold this time of year it makes your hands numb straight from the tap. It is only a 1/4 inch line so it is slow filling which is another reason for me to add warm water.

So I guess the 9 gallon difference pretty much means one less discus and I can live with that. :)