View Full Version : How in the bloody world would you describe this ? :(

Fernando Leite
Mon Jan 21, 2008, 09:32 PM

Life can be so unfair... :(

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 12:56 AM
Thats pretty tragic........ :(

I've got no time for drink drivers at work. My discression is to arrest and prosecute everyone.

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 02:06 AM
Heartybreaking, saw her on Oprah, believe it or not she is a happy woman too...

Poor darlin

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 03:08 AM
Heartybreaking, saw her on Oprah, believe it or not she is a happy woman too...

Poor darlinI saw her on Oprah too, what a strong woman considering her tragic accident & damage. I cannot for the life of me understand people wanting to drink & drive, my son will be getting his L plates this year, we have drummed into his head the dangers & how much of an idiot you would have to be & also not to get into mates cars when on the P's when they have been drinking. I think L platers should have to watch videos of in-car camera's of the police & fire rescues of accidents & death caused by drink driving. If you remmember not to long ago the four guys that died in a VT Commodore near the Westgate bridge here in Melbourne - 3 were 18 & one was 17 " high speeds & drinking" what a waste of life & just before christmas too.
So sad.