View Full Version : Putting them all back into a 55 gallon

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 01:51 PM
I currently have five 3 to 5 inch discus separated as follows: two 3 inch discus in a divided 55 gallon tank; a 5 inch and 4 inch discus in a divided 20 gallon long, and a 4 inch in a 10 gallon.

Why are they all split up?

A few months ago I gradually separated them because some were picking on the others....and NOT just at feeding time. Some were chasing the others incesantly and the others got hexamita, which mandated separation in an isolation tank, treatment with metro and feeding live brine shrimp and black worms.

I would like to try and put all five of them in the 55 gallon tank...undivided.

Bad idea?

Worth a try?

Any suggestions as to how to attempt this? More plastic plants? Turn lights off except for feeding times? Remove agressive ones after how many days or hours of observation?

I have several short to mid size and can buy taller ones to reach to the surface.

It really would be an awesome sight to have them all in the 55 gallon.

Question is, can I pull this one off?

Any and all suggestions would be most appreicated.

Enjoy the day........Mike :)

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 10:31 PM
throw them in together, with 5 fish to share the agro they will sort themselves out, theres always going to be one runt who get picked on.

leave the lights off for the 1st 24hrs and feed from both ends of the tank so they can all eat.

Wed Jan 16, 2008, 06:35 AM
"Gods pecking order" is just part of life.

I would also suggest plants and driftwood as this gives them some places to hide.