View Full Version : Some very general question RE a discus tank

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 03:08 AM
Hi everyone,

I've just started keeping discus from about a week ago. I am hoping if some can give me some advice regarding my current discus tank setup.

I have a Aqua One cube that is 2 feet X 2 Feet X 2 Feet (220L) with a lot of anubias varieties, java moss, ferns, and cryp. I also have 2 relatively large bog woods the black sandy substract.

The tank currently house 8 discus, 6 cory, 4 oto, 20 neon tetras, 9 black tetras, 55 shrimps, 3 black bristlenose, 3 albino bristlenose, 2 silver sharks and 8 pencil fish.

I feed my fish a combination of flakes, brine shrimps, bloodworms and beef heart (not home made). I change 10% water everyday and I have a Eheim 2213 canister filter.

Light is on from 5pm to 12pm everyday, consisting of 2 T5 tubes at 15W each and one flourenscent @ 24W.

Water current runs across the very top region of the tank and creates surface water movements to help the water absorbing oxygen.

All these fish have been together for about a year without problem except for the discus which were introduced since a week ago. Can someone please advise me if there is any potential problem with my current setup? I have an empty 70L tank standing by for any potential adjustment and also for quarantine purpose.



the german
Tue Jan 15, 2008, 03:23 AM
its way to small,you need 40-50l water per fish.
with 8 fish that would be idealy 400l,so double size.
and you got other fish in it as well.

what temp you got,ph nitrite nitrate amonia?

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 03:23 AM
hi,that is alot of fish for a tank that small discus need good water qualityso i dont know how u will go ill let the more expierienced people advise u more ,cheers Royce :)

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 03:45 AM
The german is spot on, 8 discus = 400L minimum, plus good water changes and better filtration, a 2x2x2 is the absolute limit of a 2213 (it flows @ ~260L/h making it best suited to a 130L tank).

In your tank you'll need to do daily changes and remove all uneaten food within 10 min of feeding or else your water will go off FAST.

My advice would be to strip out the tank to keep the discus happy (bare bottom), set the temp at 30 (bit high for some of your plants anyway) feed VERY sparingly and clean up the tank as many times as you can, also a 2217 wouldn't hurt (good for about a 300L tank with 6-8 discus).

your silver sharks will also out grow a 2x2x2 you'll need atleast 40L/ adult silver shark.

return your discus or get a bigger tank. sorry mate :(