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View Full Version : how do i do metro treatment?

Mon Jan 14, 2008, 07:16 PM
i have managed to get hold of some metro that was prescribed for my dad a couple of months back. I think my discus has plague but may also be suffering from flukes. How do i treat them with metro, do i need to use a hospital tank, what are the side effects. They aren't eating very well they will eat bloodworm but not seen them eat any dry food.
I've never treated my discus for anyhting other than worms before so as muchdetail is appreciated thnx

Mon Jan 14, 2008, 10:20 PM
ok, the best way to treat them is to mix 1 gram of ACTIVE metronizole in 100g of food and feed.

failing that, you'l have to crush the tablets, disolve them in some tank water and dose the tank.

the dosage is 25mg of metro/L of tank water.

it's best done in a bare bottom hospital tank with a heater set at 30C and an airstone or 2.

you want to treat the tank for 48 hours, LIGHTS OFF, then give a 30-50%% water change and repeat twice more.

you'll need a bit of metro do you have to 200mg tablets or the 400mg?

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 09:05 AM
i have the 400g ones

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 10:34 AM
use a smaller tank or drop the water level down to half, that way you will use less. it will dissolve very quickly in some hot water

Tue Jan 15, 2008, 10:17 PM
thanks samir, ill hold of with metro with a bit as not sure if it is plague and my discus are picking up a bit with just wormer plus so mite just be flukes. thanks for ur help ne way

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:37 AM
jungle makes a nice product with metro and prazi all in one

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 02:09 AM
Although it's convenience to have a combo medication in one package, however it is still better to do treatment one at a time as unnecessary medication may have undesirable effect.

So unless you're uncertain with the treatment, then use these broad spectrum medications. Otherwise it is still better to restrict the amount of chemical you add to the tank.