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View Full Version : is an air stone or air pump needed in big tank

Sun Jan 13, 2008, 10:30 AM
hi all have had nice discus fish for afew months now

and keep getting different stories regarding running any sort of oxygen into the tank

tanks is about 200lt 2ft by 2ft by 2ft cube

i have a 1500 external filter

water is regularly tested for ammonia nitrate and nitrites and ph and is always good

i have searched regarding air stones etc but cant really find if they are really needed and if so what do they bring to the tank

my external filter is set up with duck bill outlet so water circulates round
slowly and pickup is low

basically should i have air pump in my tank
will this make it easier for my medium sized discus


Sun Jan 13, 2008, 10:52 AM
an air stone aggitates the surface allowing o2 to enter the water, if you aim your outlet so as it breaks the surface it will work in the same way.

I like airstones, cheep insurance for expensive fish

Sun Jan 13, 2008, 10:56 AM
ok cool

if the discus are abit stressed does more oxygen help

we have been doin renovations to the house over past few weeks

and sometimes they get frightened and stressed by loud noises

Sun Jan 13, 2008, 10:59 AM
more o2 wont hurt, even if the fish arnt breathing heavy, more o2 will help the filtration bacteria take care on any excess waste from the discus panic attacks.

Sun Jan 13, 2008, 11:02 AM

i will wait till house is clen and no more work before i fit air pump

as i dont want it pumping bad stuff into the tank

we will be painting inside of house in next few weeks so i have to be careful and cover and seal tank properly and vent house properly too

already lost 3 discus when we went on holidays and we do not know what caused it

anyway thanks for replies