Fri Jan 11, 2008, 12:51 AM
Alright heres my situation. I bought a cobalt from my lfs at first he didnt really eat didnt think much of it. As time progressed i took notice that he still wasnt eating to right away i went out and bought a jungle product for internal parasites bought the food with it and didnt see much progress. I know its some sort in internal problem because of white stringy poo he is dark in color and seperated from the group yes you heard me the group newbie mestake........ My lfs in normally really good with parasites and treating all their fish atleast their discus. So ive been monitoring everyone else and no problems good health and appetites. My temperature is up to 90 farenheit ive read this helps with parasites and increases appetite. So ive read a little about garlic use, I bought Kent marine garlic extreme and so far it works he is actually eating. I mix it in with their food everyday so they all get a good dose of the garlic. He seems to be doing better,eating stretching out his fins and his eyes are red again. His poo is still a little white with alot of yellow stuff is this him passing worms? Or a sign of internal infections? Im going to continue with this garlic extreme it seems to atleast getting his appetite up. Any ideas on what the yellow is???