View Full Version : BABY DISCUS

Tue Jan 08, 2008, 01:25 PM

Is it ok to put sea shells in a baby discus tank for calcium ?


the german
Tue Jan 08, 2008, 11:21 PM
i think it will bring your ph up to 7 +

Tue Jan 08, 2008, 11:39 PM
I use sea shells or crushed coral. Either will be fine.

It will raise your pH and increase the hardness of the water, but the fry don't seem to mind, so long as the change is gradual.

the german
Wed Jan 09, 2008, 01:10 AM
do you think it has any advantages when you add shells or corall apart from more stable water?

Wed Jan 09, 2008, 09:22 AM
To be honest, I used to think that the fry would be able to utilize some of the calcium from the water, but I think fishgeek pretty much squashed that idea. (He's a vet).

However, old habits die hard, and I still put shellgrit in my fry tanks :oops: