View Full Version : New Planted tank...
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 06:26 AM
Hi all,
I now have my new planted tank, destined to house some discus, up and running, here's the set up
tank: 100 x 50 x 60 cm (300 litres)
Heating: Jager 200 watt, red sea 40v undergravel cable (cable currently switched off as tank overheating)
Substrate: 1/3 base layer of gravel and Dupla Root laterite, 2/3 fine gravel
Filteration: Eheim 2217, 36watt UV steriliser
Lighting: 8 x 39 watt T5s - 10 hours per day
CO2, 3 bps, with solenoid to run with lights.
Ferts: so far have only added Seachem Flourish, but plan to dose iron chelate and Potassium sulphate (1/2 tsp of each every second night)
chain swords
java fern
windelov fern
Giant Ambulia
Ludwigia (not doing that well at the moment)
Rotala Wallichii
Pogostemon Stellata
Chain Sword Narrow
Pygmy Chain Sword
Vallisneria Thin
Red Flame sword
Assorted Crypt.
Amazon Sword Narrow
Aponogeton Crispus (Red)
Tiger Lotus
Red Lotus
Just algae eaters so far...
6 x otocinclus
4 x siamese algae eaters
2 x bristle noses
1 x royal whiptail
For the first few days I have been getting great pearling from the plants, it seems to have stopped today though... Do you think it could be a lack of nutrients? should I have started adding the Iron and Potassium straight away??
Here's a pic of the set up... I look forward to your comments, and I'll post more pics as the plants start to grow!!
Robert :D
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 07:25 AM
Just thought I'd add some detail shots...
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 11:31 AM
Nice tank and selection of plants. I'm sure the Discus you add to this masterpiece will be very happy chaps...!!!!
I'm not an expert regarding your plants pearling question but have u considered that your light might be burning them?
Be sure to post us some pics of your new Discus when they arrive.... :P
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 11:50 AM
thanks Matt.. I can't wait to get some fancy red discus, like Penang erruptions, ring leopards, red turks, rsgs or may be an albino red melon.. to contrast with all that green.... I'll also be getting some rummies and cardinals too..
The light does sound full on but it does fit in with the 3-4 watts per gallon (312 watts for 90 ish gallons) that I believe people use to bring out the best in plants like Macranda, Ludwigia, and Ambulia.....
What do all you plant geeks think.. is it too much??
BTW the vals started pearling shortly after my last post, but I'm not getting the great effect I had
Mon Jan 14, 2008, 08:34 AM
Just thought I'd post an update pic...
I'm really please with the growth after just one week... the Vallis are sending off runners.. the chain swords are bushing out.. and the rotala grew so much I have already thinned it out and planted the offcuts.. the only casualty so far is the Bolitus fern - which melted, the rhizome is still green though so maybe it will bounce back?!?!?
Mon Jan 14, 2008, 10:03 AM
great looking tank, looks very natural.
Mon Jan 14, 2008, 10:42 AM
Thanks fish_r...
Mon Jan 14, 2008, 12:53 PM
Your growth so far looks very positive. Before you know it, you'll be be pruning and trimming the plants.
Time to get some Discus, just remember to post us some pics...;)
Mon Feb 04, 2008, 10:29 AM
How's it going now? Any fish yet?
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 11:33 AM
Here we go Discus Eden... I got my first two discus last sunday from xtreme.. here's some pics...
They are both 3.5 inches approx, one ring leopard (yet to grow rings) and a golden anaconda..
I think they are pretty hansome fish... what do you think??
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 11:34 AM
some more pics...
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 11:40 AM
I mixed up a batch of Lady Red's beefheart mix and they love it! They are pretty settled for only three days, but they are still a bit jumpy... and load noise or sudden change and they get droopy and hang out in the corner :(
I can't wait to get some friends for them next sunday!!! Anyone got any recommendations what strain I should go for next??
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 07:57 PM
VERY NICE! :) Wow, beautiful fish and a striking aquascape. :) It is not easy, you have done a fantastic job. I love the canopy your valls are making at the top too! :)
I think your light and CO2 sound great. You might want to read up on EI (estimative index) for dosing of your ferts. I certainly would at that light level. :)
You should have amazing growth when you get it all balanced just right. :)
Here is one link where I learned a lot of
information from some very experienced people.
Really nice job!
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 09:31 PM
Thanks Happy Girl! I'm pretty pleased with it :)
After experimenting with dosing and testing the water for iron I have been adding Seachem Flourish Comprehensive once a week after water change, 1/2 tsp chelated iron and 1/4 tsp potassium sulphate every 2-3 days. I have already had to prune back twice as the growth was so good!!
Tue Feb 05, 2008, 10:23 PM
That sounds so simple! :) I would love to see more pics! I am obsessed with the planted tank, I just love it! I have only been doing it for a little over a year myself but it has quickly become my favorite hobby!
Keep up the good work! :) You have an amazing tank there!
Wed Feb 06, 2008, 05:54 AM
Mate your new fish look great and your tank is looking awesome. Congrats....!!!!
Not sure about what strain you should get next. I guess that depends on whats available and what you like.
Some planted tanks look great with all the same coloured fish. Especially the turq look being the blue & red combo. But you might wanna mix it up and get some melon reds/yellows maybe even a pigeon blood.
Mon Feb 11, 2008, 09:01 AM
I got two more discus yesterday an 'a grade pidgeon' and a red turk, they have settled in pretty quickly, the turk is eating well, but the pidgeon hasn't managed to eat much yet...
Mon Feb 11, 2008, 09:06 AM
more pics...
Mon Feb 11, 2008, 09:22 AM
Nice work! It's looking great.
Very tasteful choice of fish - I especially love that ring leopard - you've done very well!
Sun Feb 24, 2008, 10:35 PM
OK here's some update pics..
Plants are growing, and discus are getting fat!!
Sun Feb 24, 2008, 10:37 PM
Sun Feb 24, 2008, 10:44 PM
Sun Mar 02, 2008, 11:17 AM
Hi rwel,
i really love your tank so much. It looks so lush and natural, what plants are those that are in the front of your tank? The ones that you have like a million of and they kinda look like bunches of short grass, what are they? Love them, where did you get them from?
Sun Mar 02, 2008, 08:27 PM
nice looking setup, are you running any airstones at all, are your fish ever showing sighns of lack of o2 in the water. I have to run mine 24/7 as they are much more relaxed with it on, with 4bps to keep it at 6.5 ph.
Sun Mar 02, 2008, 09:19 PM
Hi rwel,
i really love your tank so much. It looks so lush and natural, what plants are those that are in the front of your tank? The ones that you have like a million of and they kinda look like bunches of short grass, what are they? Love them, where did you get them from?
Those are narrow chain swords, not too hard to come by and that grow well as long as you have strong light, CO2 and Fertz (The do seem to attract the BBA though :? ).. let me know if you can't find any and I'll point you in the right direction...
Sun Mar 02, 2008, 09:26 PM
nice looking setup, are you running any airstones at all, are your fish ever showing sighns of lack of o2 in the water. I have to run mine 24/7 as they are much more relaxed with it on, with 4bps to keep it at 6.5 ph.
I do run an airstone at night, just as a precaution though.. I run my CO2 on a timer with the lights through a solenoid, I only run at about 1-2 bps of CO2 and the CO2 indicator stays green, the PH is stable at 6.4, and I get pearling later in the day..
Do you have a C02 indicator - maybe you fish were heavy breathing due to excess C02?? Have you tried running airstones only at night and halving the CO2 - You realise that the airstones remove CO2 from the water, thus raising PH...
Sun Mar 02, 2008, 10:08 PM
Thanks for the reply back, I dont have co2 indicator where do you buy them from, might try again and run the solenoid of the light timer, my water is very soft about 20ppm so i have the problem of not enough co2 in the water usually. Normally i have to add in bi carb soda all the time to get the kh up to around 4.
Mon Mar 03, 2008, 11:43 PM
I seem to remember other members from Melbourne putting shell grit in their canisters to increase KH slightly and stabilise their water chemistry... maybe send Merrilyn a PM - I think it was her who mentioned it...
I expect the sponsor ASA will have a CO2 permanent indicator kit for sale...
Wed Mar 19, 2008, 09:43 PM
Robert this is gorgeous! Very nice work, you have created a nice feeling of depth here. Way to go!
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