View Full Version : HEX - FLAGYL DOSE
Fri Jan 04, 2008, 03:26 AM
Hi everyone. I finally got hold of some Flagyl today but in a liquid form. Has anyone used liquid flagyl and if so what is the usual dosage / litre to use?
Also i have about 15 discus in a 700l tank. It would cost a fortune to treat the actual tank. I have 3 affected fish and the other 12 look ok. Should i treat all 15 in a separate hospital tank?
Also what should i do about the main tank? do a water change? or should i completely empy and sterilise it and the trickle filters etc?
Fri Jan 04, 2008, 03:33 AM
I've used liquid Flagyn before, dosage you want is 25mg/L (you'll have to calculate that from your bottle).
treat all the fish if you can, they may be asymptomatic and will reinfect the weaker fish once introduced back into the tank, a smaller hospital tank is best. if the fish are still eating, try mixing 1g of flagyl into 100g of food, it works much better internally.
Dont worry too much about the main tank, the flagellates dont do too well without a host. if you'r really worried disconnect your filtera and try a long term pp bath in the main tank of arount 4-6mg/L for 4 hours just to oxidise any bugs in the water column.
Fri Jan 04, 2008, 08:49 AM
I read this in a previous article
1. Do a 30% water change.
2. Set the temperature to 30 degrees, no higher.
3. Add 250 mg Metro per 10 Litres of water. Crush tablets to fine powder and mix with water to form a paste before adding to the tank.
4. After 48 hours, do another 30% water change and repeat the dose. This should be done for a total of 3 treatments.
5. During treatment the tank lights should be left off. Metro is affected by light. And turn off your UV unit.
6. A variety of good quality, high protein food with added vitamins and minerals should be fed several times daily. Include prepared dry food, beef heart, brine shrimp, green vegetable matter and blood worms in the diet. Remove any uneaten food and keep the water very clean.
But this refers to a link–%20Comm on%20Symptoms
which suggests to use 250mg / 10 "gallons" which is 3.8 times lower than the dose recommended above and 8 times less than my vet suggested which as per another post i have, killed 4 discus in a few hours. Which one is right? I'm scared to try this again on the other fish?
Fri Jan 04, 2008, 10:24 AM
25mg/l will work much better for three treatments, 250mg per ten gallon will work if you treat every 8 hours for 3-5 days.
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