View Full Version : Help Urgent! regarding wrigglers and parents
Mon Dec 31, 2007, 12:32 PM
Hi guys,
i need immediate help...
currently i have 2 sets of parents. 1 just gave birth earlier this month and the babies are fine swimming with them...
the other pair is the weird one, and i need help...
the parents are not looking after the wrigglers...what should i do?
the eggs i just saw most have hatched into wrigglers...
can i pass the wrigglers to the other set of discus parents to care for them??
please advise.!!! ER ER...i'm so exicted... this set of eggs came from a white butterfly dad and a lss mom.
the german
Mon Dec 31, 2007, 12:51 PM
when they start free swimming you can give them to the other pair,most times it works out well
Mon Dec 31, 2007, 01:35 PM
when they start free swimming you can give them to the other pair,most times it works out well
do you mean once/immediate when they start to free swim? i can "fish" them all up and hand it over to foster parents?
Tue Jan 01, 2008, 12:00 AM
i had good luck using foster parents with discus fry, as long as the fry are within a aday of each other it seems to work well.
next time try a smaller tank, I've got an 80L set up for my stubborn pair.
Tue Jan 01, 2008, 01:35 AM
It sounds like there's quite a few days difference between the hatching of the first lot of fry and this lot. If there's more than a couple of days difference between the two batches, it doesn't work well, trying to get the parents to take care of the new babies.
You said that your parents aren't taking care of the eggs. Do you mean that they are swimming away from the cone, and not looking at the eggs all the time? One parent should be guarding the eggs at all times, so if your's aren't doing that, then drop the level of the tank water and use a divider to make the tank smaller, so the parents have no choice but be next to the babies.
Tue Jan 01, 2008, 02:07 AM
It sounds like there's quite a few days difference between the hatching of the first lot of fry and this lot. If there's more than a couple of days difference between the two batches, it doesn't work well, trying to get the parents to take care of the new babies.
yeah. it's alot of difference... so maybe i shan't try that foster parent option.
You said that your parents aren't taking care of the eggs. Do you mean that they are swimming away from the cone, and not looking at the eggs all the time? One parent should be guarding the eggs at all times, so if your's aren't doing that, then drop the level of the tank water and use a divider to make the tank smaller, so the parents have no choice but be next to the babies.
i have lowered the level of the water... situation now doesn't look good, quite a number of small eggs have gone bad. there are still quite a number of wrigglers... so i will keep observing again.
thanks guys!
happy new year 2008!
Tue Jan 01, 2008, 02:19 PM
water level lowered...
saw some wrigglers being thrown onto facing tank wall...instead of the cones(where the eggs are)...
the cone still has some wrigglers and mostly spoilt (fungus) eggs.
what should i do now?
Tue Jan 01, 2008, 10:13 PM
just tleave them, mum and dad will move the wrigglers away from the bad eggs, give them another day or 2 and they will be free swimming.
you could try adding some salt to the water to help the parents prodice more slime for the fry to eat, 1 tsp/40L works well, if not add a second tsp a day later.
Wed Jan 02, 2008, 02:39 PM
thanks. will update as the time goes.
latest update:
parents not watching over wrigglers...
don't think they are in wriggler stage already... but they are kinda of stuck @ the wall still... some are swimming around but they seem lost...
Wed Jan 02, 2008, 11:14 PM
ok, bad news...
the wrigglers have gone free swimming...
but they are not with the parents...
they are all around the tank wall...
what should i do... i really feel bad for those little ones...
Wed Jan 02, 2008, 11:49 PM
you'll need a smaller tank next time, try something like an 80L and drop the water level so as its just enough to cover the fish, also try a lower ph.
If you really want to save these fry you'll have to raise them artificially, but if you havn't already started hatching brine shrimp its proably too late.
Wed Jan 02, 2008, 11:51 PM
ok. guess i will have to watch them tonight ... and pick up the remains.
sad experience.
Wed Jan 02, 2008, 11:55 PM
there wont be any remains, mum and dad will clean up, dont feel too bad I've watched my pigion pair do this over 18 times. some fish just dont make good parents.
Thu Jan 03, 2008, 12:13 AM
ok. this pair was quite different from what i have seen.
the dad is a white butterfly, the mom is a brown lss...
Fri Jan 04, 2008, 10:26 PM
I am quite lucky as i have a pair of red alenquers and they will orphan any fry at any age even if they dont have eggs/fry,
i just feed them in with a turkey baster and the alenquers swim staight over and take them back to spawning post
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