View Full Version : breeding setup

Sun Dec 30, 2007, 02:54 AM
hey all,over the next 6 momths or so im thinking of getting a small breeding setup happening.most likley 3 pairs.besides my breeding tanks what would be the number and size of growout tanks that i will need to grow them out succesfully,im going to set it up in a double garage so i havent got alot of space only one car will be in there my wifes :roll:
looking forward to your comments

cheers boydie.

merry xmas to all :D :D :D

Sun Dec 30, 2007, 11:00 PM
hey boydie i prefer a 4 foot tank for grow outs and with 3 pairs i think you could get away with just 2x 4 foot tanks but sounds like you wil have a fair bit of room to keep a few tanks.


Mon Dec 31, 2007, 06:13 AM
G'day boydie,
i reckon bigger is better when it comes to grow out tanks, with my 2 pairs i use a 4x2x2 a 4x20"x20" and i'm re doing one of the plant tanks into a grow out tank 4x16"x2.

Early 2008 i'll have the 900L pond for growing out fry (just need a little more equiptment :) ).

bigger tanks more stability, better growth. with 3 pairs spawning every 2 months you'll be looking at 100+ fry a time (after you do your first cull).

in a 4x2x2 60 fry is a good number up to 2-3inch ish (with daily changes 15-30%) then you'll have to halve it to 30 at 4" and 15 any bigger then that, but by that stage you should have your keeper(s) picked out for future breeding.

Tue Jan 01, 2008, 04:27 AM
I agree with illusn, when your pairs are in full breeding, you will be cursing yourself for not going bigger. Boydie you have seen my set up, and believe me once we start getting the lower pressure cells coming through and the storms your fish will be breeding like rabbits. My growouts ponds as you know are 1000 litres and when i need more room i set another one up. If you have 3 or 4 pairs you will definitely need space, and heaps of it. Some of my pairs can have large batches, and it is daunting trying to find enough space for them all. Best of luck with your upcoming decisions matey. You could ask the wife to move her car as well. hehehe.
Rgds Pete