View Full Version : My Latest Challenge - Updated Pics!
Mr Discus
Fri Dec 21, 2007, 10:11 AM
Hi guys,
I have been a member for a while now, but not posted much becuase I joined when I was 'thinking' of setting up a Discus tank, semi planted, pretty simple to look after. Finally after months I bit the bullet and it has begun! :D
I have previously had it all - starting at basic tropicals about 11 years ago (I am 25 so I started at roughly 14), progressing to African Cichlids, did that for 5 or so years and then had marines for about 4 years.
I was bored with Africans and over marines (I like things fairly simple in life, and most reef setup marine systems are far from simple!)
So in the last 2 months, I have sourced my tank (3' wide x 18" deep x 2' high), built my own cabinet and hood, painted it myself, glued in the background (foam background from USA), brought all the gear (titanium digital control heater, Aqua One Aquis 2250 UV Canister, 4 x T5 light setup, etc), and in the last week have finally got it all together, filled with the ol' H2O, and now cycling in anticipation for fish in the new year.
I have read almost every thread that I think I need to read on this forum, and I am still constantly learning more and more about Discus and their required enviroments every day, long before I get them.
I have a couple of pics for now, and will keep popping in to add photos of the progress as time goes on. At the moment it is a week old, cycling and I put the plants and driftwood in on day 5.
I will add algae eaters in a week or so, then make sure all the parameters are right and add other fish in due time. Evenually I want 4 Discus (I want 2 red turks, and I have told my fiance that she can pick 2 that she likes!! Keep the missus happy!! :wink: ), some Cardinals (10 or more), 2 Rams, a Clown loach plus the algae eaters, whatever they may be.
Hope you like what little pics I have, any suggestions, comments or advice is welcome.
Before water (background glued, filter and lighting dummy setup)...
After 1 week (driftwood, assorted plants including asst. swords, a crypt, and a few others I can't remember the names of!)...
A wide angle shot showing the full tank, cabinet and hood (I still need to get some black vinyl to cover where you can see the edges of the foam background and where it is glued in)...
Fri Dec 21, 2007, 10:34 AM
Hey Josh,
Congratulations on your tank... it looks awesome. Certainly being patient is the key to having a successful discus tank.
I've only just joined these forums myself but would like to offer any advice when you purchase your discus here on the nth of Brisbane.
Fri Dec 21, 2007, 04:17 PM
Tank look pretty impressive...
Keep it up and I am sure your discus will love you for it. Reading as much as you can is the best you can do, my only concern is that you like the 'simple' life.... keeping discus is not a simple task. Its a hobby/lifestyle that needs ALLOT of your free time. From water changes, to preparing water to feeding to cleaning... it all mounts up to beeing allot of work. So before you go ahead and add discus, check your schedule and decide... will you manage???
If you think you can manage, then welcome to the wonderfully pleasing workd of discus keeping!
Fri Dec 21, 2007, 09:22 PM
Lovely tank! I look forward to seeing some fish pictures!
what type of filtration setup is it can you post pics please?
A1 Aquarium World
Fri Dec 21, 2007, 09:29 PM
very cool looking tank.
Mr Discus
Sat Dec 22, 2007, 12:41 AM
Thanks for the replies...
Matt - thanks mate, I like to plan my setups as much as possible, I am a bit pedantic, sometimes its a good thing and sometimes its not! In this case it will be a good thing! I will be sure to get in contact with you when I am ready for Discus. Like I said in the other thread I would love to chat about what LFS you frequent. I am like 10 mins from you so we probably go to the same places! :wink:
GrkBoy - I understand where you are coming from mate, I probably didn't word it right. I understand the demands of Discus, and all the associated things like water etc. I just meant that in comparison to a reef setup which is what I did last, I can already see the simplicity in a well setup Discus/Amazonian system. You only have to look at the equipment to see the comparison to reef in simplicity. My Discus setup is running...
Canister filter, Heater, Lighting, UV.
My reef setup was running...
Sump with bio media, skimmer, heater, lighting, UV, chiller, cal reactor, etc!
So just from the list its almost twice the equipment and 3 times the money to run the reef setup - its more complicated as far as equipment goes, but probably on par with maintenance in many ways.
nicholas76 - The canister filter is an Aqua One Aquis 2250 UV item...
Just did a quick google to show you a pic of the unit.
A1 Aquarium World - thanks mate!
I will be sure to pop in and add more pics as they come :D
Sat Dec 22, 2007, 07:15 AM
Ok lets talk shop then.
Only 4 shops I would consider on the NORTHSIDE. If there's one I don't know about I'd love to hear about it.
1.) (Unknown name)
Gympie road, Chermside (Asian gentleman)
Has well kept stock, prices are alittle high. Usually stocks between 6-12 of different varieties.
270 Rode Road, Wavell Heights
Low quality discus, and they often get a monthly supply of locally bred browns which sell for $50.00ea.
Sometimes they have btw 6-20, but most of the time they have very little stock.
Unit 2/ 482 Stafford Rd
Stafford, QLD 4053
This is where I have bought ALL my fish. They import and quaritine all there own stock which none of the other shops do.
They often import about 50+ discus from Thailand/Singapore at a time.
Large variety of breeds/colours.
Without a doubt Brisbane's best discus range. Their last range were imported about two weeks ago, so they are stocked up atm.
SOUTHSIDE - there is only one shop which always blows me away.
224 Wishart Road, Mount Gravatt, Brisbane, QLD 4122
Prices are highish, but there stock/range is awesome.
Other than that, there's a breeder who I'm considering contacting/visiting to have alook at in Gumdale (near Chandler) and there's also one on the SunnyCoast in Maroochydore from memory.
Mr Discus
Sat Dec 22, 2007, 08:33 AM
Whoa, okay, slight freakout there! Your list is pretty much identical to mine, but mine is just in a different order. I work in Stafford, so Aquarama and Clayfield are literally around the corner from me...
1) Clayfield Aquarium - by far one of the most impressive aquarium shops I have ever been in - their display tanks are something of gods creation, especially the Discus and Reef tanks. I agree with you though, very little discus stock, most of the time they have about 10 if you're lucky. But for everything else, including advice, and quality of fish, corals and plants, I would give them 9.5 out of 10 (less .5 for little discus stock!) :D
2) Aquarama - I agree, best discus stock in Brissie that I have ever seen. Huge variety, very well bred and kept fish. Only downside I have found is that their staff are not as helpful or friendly as other shops, and their stock of equipment, tanks and plants is pretty weak for a shop of their size. But as far as fish go - they are the place to go to, and they are 2 mins from my work which is a bonus on the way home!! 9 out of 10. :)
3) (Unknown Name - I don't know the name of it either!) - I agree well kept stock, and a pretty good level of it. A little untidy for an aquarium shop, and the little Asian couple freak me out a bit. :lol: Their equipment and tank selling levels are a little skittish, but they do have decent prices and some nice fish so its worth a visit every now and then. 8 out of 10.
4) Atlas Aquarium - Great if you have marines, crap if you have discus. A well kept shop, with a decent supply of equipment and tanks. 7.5 out of 10.
5) Pet Super Store - its a pet shop, not a stand alone aquarium shop, but they do have decent prices and a suprising level of fish stock, equipment and tanks. They often have 20 or so assorted discus, at very competitive prices. At the moment they have 2 white faced red melons that are absolutely stunning, $120 each. 7.5 out of 10.
Well thats my top 5 list!
There is also a discus breeder at Stafford somewhere. They guy I brought my background from knows him. I am waiting to hear back from him after the holidays so he can fill me in on where he is and what he has.
Sat Dec 22, 2007, 08:43 AM
Awesome when you find out where he is let me know, i'd be keen to have alook.
No numbered order for my list... but yes your on the mark with all the shops. I agree about Aquaramas staff not being the most friendly, but because i have been shopping there for soo long i know the owners and the manager by first name. They usually give me 10% discount on all my fish purchases too. And knowing they import there fish direct from overseas is reassuring in knowning they haven't already been to 4 different locations here in OZ.
Sounds like i'll have to head down to PetSuperStore to see these melons. I've been in there like everyother pet store but none of them have really captivated me.
There's one more i forgot about on Lynton/Sharfton Rd, on the southside. Last time I was there they had an impressive range, but again they source from the main imported who supplies all the pet stores.
Mr Discus
Sat Dec 29, 2007, 06:14 AM
Here is a pic I took today - this is now 2 weeks into the setup.
Plants are growing very well (considering they have been in for only a little over a week).
The fish stock now is...
2 x SAE's
2 x Whiptail Catfish
8 x Cardinals (will add more as the tank matures).
For a comparison in a week's growth - here is the shot above at a week...
Mon Dec 31, 2007, 10:17 AM
It's looking good Josh....... geesh that discus itch mush be getting stronger by now....:)
Mr Discus
Mon Dec 31, 2007, 10:48 AM
Ah, yes. The itch is more like a rash!
Problem is I am not a very patient person, but setting up this tank over the Xmas / New Year break has helped, as I can't just go out any day and buy fish or plants or anything like that, as nothing is open!
So it has helped me to allow the system to cycle correctly and appreciate the patience more over the holiday period.
I will be serious discus shopping in a couple of weeks I dare say!
Mr Discus
Sat Jan 05, 2008, 12:59 PM
Attached are some updated pics.
A couple of exciting events...
1) My Whiptail pair have mated after being in the tank for about a week and a half! The eggs were laid on a driftwood branch a couple of days ago, and the male has been nesting on them ever since. There are only about 30 or so eggs, maybe less, but I was just stoked to know that the conditions were suitable enough for them to give it a go!
2) Yesterday I made my first Discus purchase! I got a gorgeous (I think male?!?) Red Turk, he was being sold as a Red Tiger but as far as I can tell he's not. From what I have read, Red Tigers ae supposed to have complete and unbroken red straition bands running vertically along the body, representing a tigers stripes? This he certainly does not have, but after reading what to look for and what not to get (all thanks to this forum), I am very very happy with my purchase. Nice shape, lovely developed finnage, great colouring, proportioned face, red eyes that are also not oversized, and active and alert. All these things he is and so I am stoked to have him as my first!
Below are some piccies to show off, also got 2 German Blue Rams (goreous colouring and markings, they look like a well bred strain), who are both loving being in the tank.
Stock levels are now...
1 x Red Turk
2 x German Blue Rams
2 x SAE's
2 x Whiptails
8 x Cardinals
Here are the pics, I will try and add more week by week.
Here is the male Whiptail on the eggs...
And here is a shot from the end of the branch, you can see some of the eggs in front of his face...
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 05:55 AM
The tank is looking great. Love that background.
And the fish are obviously happy and healthy :P
Well done!
Sun Jan 06, 2008, 06:03 AM
Looks awesome mate. Can't believe the whiptails have laid eggs already.....:)
Your turq has some nice colouring too...:)
Mr Discus
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 03:03 AM
Heres a couple of shots I took yesterday...
scott bowler
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 03:08 AM
nice looking setup it looks to be comeing a long very nicely good work , think you need more discus though hehe
Mr Discus
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 03:35 AM
Oh yes scott - that is next on the cards!
I will be getting at least 2 more discus in the next few weeks hopefully - possibly 3.
So all up I want to finish with 4 or 5 discus in total - I think an odd number will work better though.
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 04:45 AM
Josh as i've said before mate your tank looks awesome...!!!! :D Can't wait to see more Discus swimming around. What variety are you considering getting next?
I see you've added some moss to your wood piece... nice.
I visited Annerley aquarium last week and WOW...!!! They are really stocked up. They had a great range, very simular to Aquarama.
I've got something I need to speak to you about on MSN too when you pop on. Talk soon mate...;)
Mr Discus
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 05:47 AM
Cheers Matt.
Well to be honest mate - the next 2 choices for discus lie in the hands of my fiance!
I would really love a bright red melon like yours, and I have a feeling she will pick something similar to give the tank a bit of colour contrast. So fingers crossed we can pick out a good example like what you have.
But to be honest who knows what she will pick - although you can be certain I will try and guide her in the right direction! *cough* the direction I want *cough* ;)
I told her that we will have to take a trip to the south side one weekend soon for some discus shopping, and Annerly Aquarium was already on my list so I am quite excited now! I will probably go to Pet City as well, and a couple of others.
Will catch up with you on MSN asap mate.
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