View Full Version : Ad Koning's Visit to Melbourne.

Mon Dec 10, 2007, 09:18 AM
Hi All,

Just to clarify Vien's post, the Victorian Cichlid Society is offering a $20 discount to all financial members of the VCS who wish to attend the Ad Konings presentation in March.
The only conditions are that you're subs are paid up for 2008 and that your tickets are booked and paid for through the VCS, full payment would be required by our general meeting on Wednesday 6th of February, if you are interested in this offer you can contact the secretary Graham Rowe on 9560 7472 to book your tickets.



Quote from John McCormick, President of the Victorian Cichlid Society.

So if you're a member of VCS, you may be entitled to buy tickets for $100. I'm going, is anyone else coming? To hear the experiences from Lake Tanganyika and other exotic places around the world first hand would be an opportunity not to be missed. There is also a new discus book to be released on the day.
