Sun Dec 09, 2007, 07:38 PM
I put in a new discus into my tank yesterday. But he is being persued and bullied by another discus that is slightly smaller than it and has been in the tank for about a week. Of course the new discus is showing signs of stress. I have not got another tank for it to go into. Any ideas. Should I return it to the vendor? Both the discus in question are fully grown. The tank is 300litre and has 5 other 3 inch discus in the tank.
I put in a new discus into my tank yesterday. But he is being persued and bullied by another discus that is slightly smaller than it and has been in the tank for about a week. Of course the new discus is showing signs of stress. I have not got another tank for it to go into. Any ideas. Should I return it to the vendor? Both the discus in question are fully grown. The tank is 300litre and has 5 other 3 inch discus in the tank.