View Full Version : Halide

Thu Nov 29, 2007, 02:54 PM
Recently bought a 2nd hand halide unit from a friend who does marine. i am pretty sure the bulb is not for plants. does anyone know what spectrum i need and where i can get a halide bulb that suits plants? thanks.

Thu Nov 29, 2007, 10:49 PM
G'day Eric,
you'll have a hard time getting spectral data on MH your best bet would be to go to a hydroponics shop.

from memory the globes recomended are 6500K (midday sunlight) but again spectral data and kelvin color are 2 very diffrent things.

Fri Nov 30, 2007, 01:32 AM
what exact MH did you get? as in what wattage and is it double ended or single ended bulb? i find single ended ones tobe hardest to find. I presonally use 2x 150w double ended 10,000k arcadia bulbs for my 6'.