View Full Version : Please help! Our discus is very ill...

Thu Nov 29, 2007, 02:51 AM
Hi all

I'm new here, but I've lurked for a while as a 'visitor', anyway, I hope it's ok to post a question right off the bat...

We have a 6 year old Discus, he's a turquoise, about 6". In the beginning of last week, he started showing symptoms with a cloudy eye and a white dot on the other eye. The cloudiness spread to both eyes, so we started him on Melafix at the LFS suggestion, as well as water changes, (about 25% every other day). He was doing better, eating like a pig still, and with great colour still, until yesterday. Now in the past two days he's started hiding in a corner of the tank, holding one of his pec. fins tightly against his body, and is getting darker in colour. We did another water change yesterday and so far it isn't helping. He's also pretty much stopped eating.

The rest of the fish in the tank are all in great health, even our juvenile discus, are all eating well, and look great and healthy, it's just our big discus.

This tank has been up and running about 6 months now. We have a gravel substrate, no real plants as the plecos just dig them up. We haven't added a new fish for about 2 weeks now, (we added a pleco about two weeks ago). All of our chemistry looks good. We were high on phosphates, but we have that under control now.

Please any suggestions are welcome!!

Oh, tank specs:
60 gal tank
around 80F
Marineland Penguin BioWheel 330 filter
(with Phosguard and PuraGen in it)

2 Discus (1 adult, 1 juv)
3 various Plecos (all under 6")
4 corys
1 odo cat
3 emporer tetras
4 rainbows
3 snails

Thu Nov 29, 2007, 03:12 AM
If you can take out bith the discus and put them into a hospital tank ( I like 10 gal for easy maths, use water from your current tank).

go to your LFS and get some ph down/ acis buffer and SLOWLY bring down the ph in your hospital tank (if you can use liquid ph down add about 15 drop/hour in a 10 Gal (40L), if your using powder add about 1/4 tsp every 4 hours till you reach 5.0)

get some metro and start treating at 250mg/10L (1gram in a 10 Gal). leave for 48hrs, then do a 30-50% change add more metro (another 250mg/10L), repeat once more after 48hrs. then give them a break for a week and see how they go.
once they start eating again propperly you can do a follow up treatment of 1g metro/100g food feed 2x daily for 5-7days and they should be fine.

they proably picked up a bug from the fish you put in 2 weeks ago.

you might want to bulk up your filtration a bit with 3 plecos in there, they do make a lot of mess.