View Full Version : Strange Discus Illness
Sat Nov 24, 2007, 07:16 PM
I have a discus that I purchased about 12 days ago. About 3 days ago he completely stopped eating. He was on a diet of Cyclopese (frozen) that I have continued into my possession. He is in a somewhat community (29 gallon tall with 8 tetras and 2 corydoras)
I now see a pimple (NOT ICK) that looks almost exactly like a white-head that you or I can get and almost the same in size located on his body at the end of his lateral line by the tailfin. His color is a bit dark and he does hide alot but does come out too. He again is NOT eating and I was wondering if anyone has any idea what I am dealing with here.
Sun Nov 25, 2007, 11:12 AM
Have you noticed any difference with his droppings. Are they dark or have they become white and jelly like.
You may have a case of Head and Lateral Line Erosion (also know as Hexemita and hole in the head).
It might pay to make some enquiries with your local vet about getting some metro or Flagyl.
Mon Nov 26, 2007, 12:33 AM
Ok so just to update, I placed a divider in the tank to seclude him into his own part of the tank away from the tetras, within 20 minutes his color came back, the bump looks much better as now there is now white and the bump seems to be a bit smaller. He still is not eating, I have tried an arson of food and he just ignores it all. Here is a list of the food I have tried to get him to eat...
Live Brine Shrimp
Freeze Dried Blood Worms
Cylcopese - a frozen tropical fish food (his food before I bought him)
Tetra-Fin tropical flakes - (I crush them and let them sink as he dont like the top. He did eat some of this when I introduced him to the tank)
Chiclid granuals
Live Worms (not sure exactly what kind but the lfs recommended them)
I am hoping he gets an appetite sometime today. He is SO light in color, I dont remember him looking this color except in the store and his eyes are vibrant.
To answer the question above the poop is brown like all the other fishes in the tanks.... it looks normal compared to all of my other fishes (Oscars, Plecostomous, Tetras, Platys, Corys, Assorted goldfish from a pond)
Also the lfs said that the description that I gave did not sound like Heximita as like all other diseases he is missing other symptoms
Mon Nov 26, 2007, 01:10 AM
from the 29 gallon tank I'm assuming you're in the US ?
It might pay to make some enquiries with your local vet about getting some metro or Flagyl.
If you start the metro today your fish should be eating in a couple of days.
Tue Nov 27, 2007, 07:32 PM
Ok, I appreciate everyones help, the bump I still dont know what it was but it felt like a bone mass. He never ate even though I had him isolated, he ended up becoming lathargic and I transfered him to a smaller medicine tank, he still never ate. I did not have metro however I did have some other anti-biotics that he never seemed to respond to. I elevated his water temp and lowered the ph in the med tank, he seemed to become more active but still no food and passed out last night :< ....
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