View Full Version : Bunch of rooted discus!

Fri Nov 23, 2007, 01:30 PM
One discus died about 2 weeks ago. It was new and relatively young, and I hadnt done a water change for 2 weeks due to being extremely busy, so I put it down to my neglect. Since then I have maintaned the tank normally

In the last week I had done 2 30% waterchanges and today while I was out getting pissed, my parents rang me up saying that one fish had died and another was halfway there. They said the dead discus had a bloated stomach and was very slimy and smelly. By the time I got home they had binned it and in my half drunk state im not too keen on digging through the bin for it.

The half dead fish is swimming in the corner of the tank with its head pointed down, like a swim bladder infection.

I have a quarantine/treatment tank set up (its been set up for a week or so), and I am going to transfer the half dead fish to it, but since it has affected 2 fish, should I treat the whole tank?

I am planning on putting the half dead fish in the Q tank and treating it with octozin. The bloated belly of the dead fish may indicate worms? so I plan on treating the tank with prazi and levamisole. Is this a good plan?

Fri Nov 23, 2007, 01:44 PM
Snap...forgot to add every bit of info!

Tank is a 6x2x2 with sump and Eheim 2217. Its well cycled.

I have turned off the CO2 for now...just in case

Lights are/were on 6hours a day because there used to be a crapload of algae. The algae has gone but right now there seems to be one HELL of alot of this brownish hair algae everywhere, which must have grown in the last day or 2 (havent really had time to look at the tank much in the last few days). The tank is planted, with a heap of swords and hygrophilia?...fast growing green plant :P.

pH is 6.8 or thereabouts. Just measured it again

Right now in the tank there is 8 discus, 5 BNs, 1 SAE and a few random tetras

I added a little bit of Prime as a placebo just in case lol