View Full Version : Diagnosis needed

Tue Nov 20, 2007, 04:27 AM
Hi all,

I have 6 discus in an 800L community tank, four of them appear to have bloated stomachs and the largest one has small whitish nodules hanging out of it's butt. They look more like a little cluster of eggs rather than stringy worms?

No new fish in the tank for over a month - and stable conditions maintained - 25% water changes twice a week.

All of them are eating well, dry food with occasional live brine shrimp and blackworm - would the live food be the cause of the problem?

I am not sure if I should be treating with Metro, Prazi or Levamisole? Can anyone pin this one down for me?



800L Community
Ph 7.5
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrites
10 Nitrates
8 degrees KH

Tue Nov 20, 2007, 07:22 AM
any change of feacal microscopy?
or prehaps a smear from the vent?


Tue Nov 20, 2007, 07:31 AM
If your feeding live blackworm i'd be thinking worms.

any chance of a photo? could it be a segment of a tapeworm?

do the fish still pass "normal" dark solid stools?

Tue Nov 20, 2007, 01:56 PM
Thanks for the replies, will work on posting a photo.

All of the pics I have seen of fish with worms hanging out the vent are of long stringy worms. This doesn't really look like that at all. Fish are still eating and the effected one is passing normal stools for now.

BTW LFS thinks it is flagellates so I have started with metro mixed in with food and will see how that goes.

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 08:20 AM
flagellates are microscopic... you wont see them as individuals without magnification


Wed Nov 21, 2007, 12:23 PM
Hex manifests its self as white fluffy stools, this also happens when something irritates the gut of the fish.

flaggellets could be causing this but if they are passing normal stools all the time i doubt it.

Sat Dec 08, 2007, 11:46 AM
Just for the hell of it, why dont you worm them and see if that helps a little? Just an idea!