View Full Version : What Kind of rock's are the best to use for discus?

Thu Nov 15, 2007, 10:44 PM
What Kind of rock's are the best to use for decoration in discus fish tank?
Also, can I use pable rock from the sea if I wash them before introdusing to the fish tank?as for the botom?
I will only start to cycle my tank now for the first time, so i like to place all decoration in the tank when the cycle starts.

Fri Nov 16, 2007, 12:18 AM
unreactive volcanic rock such as granite or bassalt is best.
river sandstone is ok as well, watch out for any type of limestone based rock this will send your ph sky high.

Sun Nov 25, 2007, 09:24 AM
Sory I,m very inexperienced with that,
Can I use peble rock from the SEA? if i clean them?

Thankyou V.M

Tue Feb 12, 2008, 05:21 AM
So are you saying that using texas hole rock is a bad idea? Even if using RO? Isn't limestone based with a ton of calcium?

Tue Feb 12, 2008, 05:49 AM
i wouldn't use any reactive rock at all in a discus tank, rocks from the sea can carry alot of salt, if they are volcanic based they should be fine.

generally calcium in rocks is present as CaCO3. the CO3- ion formed when the rock disolves slowly in water pushes the ph up as well as the TDS. using this in ro water will negate most of the advantage you get from the ro water (the low ph, kh & gh)