View Full Version : Suggestions Please ?

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 09:43 AM
Hi everyone,

Hope this finds you all well.

Major problems in good old Wagga Wagga lately, to say the least !!. About 2 weeks ago we had a major blackout in our area that started at 4.00am. and finished about 9.30am.

I awoke at about 8.00am. and heard a rather unusual noise - the sound of running water - went to investigate and found that both the Fishtanks (one 250 litres, the other 300 litres) in my Lounge Room and Office had backwashed (for want of a better word) all over my Carpets - both Tanks were half empty :evil: and my house resembled a swamp. It really stressed me out - I had heard of people experiencing similar situations but it had never happened to me - I was devastated and in a severe state of shock at the sight of my beautiful Fish lying on their sides gasping for air.

After a big mad panic I topped the Tanks up then found that the Filter in the 300 litre Tank had developed major problems (and according to my Electrician is non repairable :evil: grrr - I had intended replacing that Filter as well as the other one on the 250 Liter Tank - just not so soon!!), so had to cram all of my Fish into the 250 Litre Tank as that Filter was still going, then called in the Carpet Cleaners.

Since then have been doing heaps of Water changes in the hope of not losing anymore of my beautiful friends. I need to do this as the current Filter won't cope too well with it's current load of Fish Plants etc.

After much soul searching (and the loss of 9 of my beautiful Discus which just about broke my heart - as I have watched all of my Discus grow from babies into the big beautiful Fish that they were) I have decided to do away with the Office Tank and just keep the 300 Litre Tank in the Loungeroom.

I intend to purchase a new Filter and have pretty much decided on an Eheim 2028 Classic as it sounded like good all rounder - I was considering one of these before my disaster hurried things along - which brings me to a few questions :

(1) Once I empty and move the 300 Litre Tank there is sure to be water damage to the Carpet, so I am considering replacing the Carpet with a Polished Wood Floor (cement based slab) - easier on my Asthma and also easier to keep clean - has anyone had experience with Fish Tanks and this type of Flooring, as some of my Friends are telling me I am mad - that this type of Flooring and Fishtanks don't mix - they suggest doing away with my Fish which is not even a consideration !!.

(2) While I am at it I am considering fitting a UV Filter to the 300 Litre Tank - any suggestions from you all as to what type and size I should purchase would be appreciated - I don't know too much about them.

(3) At the moment both Tanks have a River Gravel Base and the Plants are growing really well in them (with very little attention I might add - I rarely add Ferts and people are always asking me what I feed my Plants and I have to be honest and say nothing) but as I intend to completely strip out the 300 Litre Tank and replant it etc., what type of subtrate would you suggest ( and also in what quantity)? - My Tanks only have Discus, Cardinals, Rummynose, Bristlenose, Corydores and a few Black Widows .

Any advice to the above questions would be greatly appreciated - if I am going to do this I want to do it properly and I don't want to make any mistakes !!

Please help !!


Fri Nov 09, 2007, 12:35 PM
1. Wood floors and fish tanks arnt that great an idea as many things can go wrong, any spills can stain the floor, any puddles that occure that arnt wiped up (or go un noticed under cabinets etc) will warp the timber.
2. Value for money go a pondmaster 18w minimum 36w would be better
3. a 2 inch deep bed of eco complete or flora base would be ideal, I believe that ASA have Dupla ground at an insane price at the moment, which i can imagine would be bad. if your plants do well in the plain gravel, why not keep it and just supplement it with something like flora root to help the plants get going again.

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 11:16 PM
Thanks for that Illusn.

Approximately how much Eco Complete would I need for a 4 foot tank?.

The darn Floor is a problem - I am sick of Carpet and would love a change - once the Tank is emptied I can near guarantee that the Carpet at the back of it will have rotted and possibly underneath it also so it will have to be replaced and I thought that Wood would be a good replacement - Tiles aren't an option as I suffer from bone problems and Tiles would be too cold in the Winter time. I was hoping someone smarter than me would say Wood wouldn't be a problem as long as I did ................ . What to do, that is my problem. Just want to get away from Carpet.

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 11:26 PM
maybe tiles and a floor rug???

you could still go wood, you'll just have to be carefull with it and wipe up any spills and drips the moment they happen.

your going to need atleast 4 x 9kg bags of eco complete, 6 would be better as any excess could be used to top up the substrate in years to come.

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 11:57 PM
Thanks for that, I will look into the Eco Complete - I want to do things right this time as it will be the last time !!.

The plants have thrived in the gravel - and I don't know how come. Ages ago I was using Flourish Excel - ran out of it - got busy and just didn't get the time to buy anymore so for months I've used nothing and the plants are really green and healthy - one of my friends has a tank and she is constantly buying new plants because they all die on her, so beats me. Maybe it's cause I have Discus and she hasn't :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!.
