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View Full Version : salousi breeding?

Thu Nov 08, 2007, 08:15 AM
My salousi have been laying eggs and carrying eggs in mouth. They are in an unusually mixed community tank with congo, pristella, clown loach and bristlenose due to my Albino bristle noses recent additions to the family. The last couple of times i have 'milked' the eggs from the mother and tried hatching them myself but fungus eventually took over. Should I remove mums to another tank or let eggs hatch in mouth then milk babies?

Thu Nov 08, 2007, 09:09 AM

Weird mix indeed. Surprised the salousis haven't munched on your tetras.

If the holding female isn't getting harassed and not very stressed i'd leave her in there for another 2 weeks-2.5 weeks. Then strip her. Reason being is by then the babies should be developed enough to survive without her. Usually not 100% developed but very close to it. Enough to just chuck them in a floater and let them fully develop.

If she is getting harassed and seem to be stressed then I'd put her in a floater or another tank. Just be weary when you catch her out, it will stress her and she may spit or swallow.


Sat Nov 17, 2007, 08:47 AM
thanks for the advice. I lost this lot unfortunately but hopefully next brood aren't far off.

thanks again


Tue May 06, 2008, 04:36 AM
do you have a spare tank. if so why not get her into that. it works for me, just fill her up with tank water and you are set :P

but yeah strip her about 3 weeks after you notice she is holding and you should be sweet too

Tue May 06, 2008, 04:37 AM
do you have a spare tank. if so why not get her into that. it works for me, just fill her up with tank water and you are set :P

but yeah strip her about 3 weeks after you notice she is holding and you should be sweet too

Thu Nov 20, 2008, 04:17 AM
I agree about putting her in the spare tank but if the stripping isnt working. Just leave her to spit herself then leave her to recover then move her back to the big tank.