View Full Version : cpl of updates on how the discus tanks are going
Tue Nov 06, 2007, 01:04 PM
the 5ft's changed a bit since the last pics posted, also finally got a pH controller, but having problems with the pH slowly dropping too low so Co2 isn't coming on as much as it should be. any suggestions ? other than using pH up ?
been working on this 4ft for a cpl of mths too and just setup pressirissed Co2 on this one on the weekend.
Tue Nov 06, 2007, 02:07 PM
They look great Rob! :D Whats the bubble rate on the 4fter?
Hope the fishies are doing well!
Tue Nov 06, 2007, 10:53 PM
how big are those 2 whiptails!
Scotty Bils
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 03:22 AM
What is your KH ? You may need to be adding a KH buffer or a small amount of cruched coral to the water if your PH is dropping.
You also may not be in the optimum CO2 range for your water if your is too soft.
Oh yeah, and your tank is now looking really sweet as!!
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 06:32 AM
Tanks are looking wonderful fish-r.
Plant growth is very impressive :P
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 06:40 AM
thx guys.
running about 1.5bps on both tanks Eric, treating 3 of the fish from the 4ft including 2 x new albino's for worms etc at the moment so there in a 100ltr tank, but soon to go back in.
the whips are about 7" long without the tails :)
kH is about 3 last i checked and added 250gms of cununda shell grit in a mesh bag to the tank about a week ago.
never had to do this b4 do u recon it would be better in the filter ?
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 07:44 AM
you'd get more flow through in the filter, i usually plac e some crushed coral in there when I want to bump up my Kh
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 02:17 PM
Thanks Rob
Did you finish up those changes to the lighting? What are you running now? How are your tonina belems doing?? Im on my second go with them in my tank, and this round doesnt look like its any better then the first round :(
Everything looks great, in both your tanks! :D
Nice work
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 05:35 PM
i asked for crushed coral but 2 lfs said they didnt have it but the shell grit does the same thing "is that true" ?
yep ended up putting 2 more T5 lights in so all up running about 3.5wpg now. thats why iv'e had to add some faster growing plants cause the slow growing swords etc didnt like the high light...
tonina is going great, even more so since i added more light :) it's not so scragley now...
Wed Nov 07, 2007, 10:37 PM
shell grit will work just as well as crushed coral, just give it a good wash, i find it ALOT dustier then crushed coral.
Thu Nov 08, 2007, 06:55 AM
thx Illusion, i did wash it well and yep it was heaps dusty.
will add it to the filter on the weekend when i do a clean...
Thu Nov 08, 2007, 03:46 PM
Glad to hear the tonina does well for you! I need to work on getting my lighting up a lil more.
I run 4.2wpg for 4 hours a day, and I guess thats not glosso is "leggy" too
3.5 wpg seems like a nice amount of lighting....I cant wait to see how things go for you now!
I look forward to seeing more pics :wink:
Thanks :D
Sat Nov 10, 2007, 08:48 AM
Looking Sensational fish_r
The Whips Look Huge !!!
Cheers Andrew
Sat Nov 10, 2007, 09:19 AM
thx guys
going to give the tonina a trim tomorrow, also the rotala mac, thev'e both had a growth spurt the last few days :wink:
think u need to be up around 8hrs of light a day with high lighting Eric. are u running any lighting at all for the other 20hrs in the day ?
Sat Nov 10, 2007, 11:22 AM
other than using pH up ?
fish_r I Had A Similar Problem As Well, What I Did Was. I Used Some Shell Grit To Raise The K.H, But It Raises The P.H As Well,But A Little Too Much, So I Added Some Peat To The Shell Grit.
I Used 5 Table Spoons Of Shell Grit And 2 Cups Of Peat"I Mixed It Together In The Same Filter Bag" In My FX5.
Thats For My 4X2X2 Tank, It Got My K.H To 4.And The Co2 Controller,Cycles On And Off Accordingly.But Even Without The Co2 The P.H Never Goes Above 6.8
Cheers Andrew
Sat Nov 10, 2007, 03:34 PM
yeah, sorry....I run 2wpg the whole day, and then the 4.2 midday, and I guess the 4 hours of 4.2 isnt enough hours
I have a guy coming to check my stuff out tomorrow
I lost my tonina belem, and erio type 2....but those were my hardest plants, so Im a lil bummed, but I will straighten things out and try again
Good luck with your tank...I look forward to pics :D
Sun Nov 11, 2007, 01:19 AM
thx for the advise Tommo, i put the shell grit in the filter last night and up to now the pH is holding steady @ 6.95 "a little high" so iv'e bumped the Co2 up a little cause cant afford any peat till later on in the week and i'll wait and see how it goes for a cpl of days.
maybe try upping ur 4.2 light to 6 hrs a day and c what happens Eric. sorry to hear u lost ur Tonina :( whats the erio type 2 ?
i ended up taking the HC out of the 5ft last night cause my BN's just keep up rooting it, but i have glosso going really well in there and up to now it keeping very low :wink:
Sun Nov 11, 2007, 01:41 AM
Also fish_r I Was Reading In Another Post On The Forum, I Can Not Remember Where I Think MAC Said It
A Canadian brand of peat called Sunshine Peat is about as pure as it comes and is available in nursery's, you just might have to call a few local ones to see if they stock it. It's cheap too Last time I bought some it was $28 for 20kg.
Which Is Very Cheap Indeed. "I Think I'll Be Getting Some Of That "
Cheers Andrew
Tue Nov 13, 2007, 03:39 PM
Thanks Rob, its was my second go round, and Im sure I will try it out again! lol
Since I didnt have good luck with this plant, I dont have a pic of it in my tank, but here is a link for the erio type 2
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