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View Full Version : Eheim Pro 3e 2076

Mon Nov 05, 2007, 10:17 AM
I have Eheim Pro3e 2076 on a 250 ltr tank. I have used it for about 2 months now. Performance is very good, the indicator tells you if there is any clogging in the water flow.
I think the priming button is too small which makes it difficult to do the priming. I prefer suck the water from the output inlet and it only takes less than 1 minute to make the water flow.

I am experiencing a leaking at first but turns out to be the sealing is not properly fitted. I just pull it out soak it in hot water put vaseline on it and put it back . And it never leaks again until now. Very satisfied with the performance overall.


Mon Nov 05, 2007, 10:21 AM
this is supposed to be a reply for "Eheim Pro 3e" from Scotty but I missplaced it as a new topic.