View Full Version : What makes a quality discus?

Sun Oct 28, 2007, 09:21 PM
I was wondering what you look for in a quality discus. I know some can be very expensive to purchase but how do you know if you are getting what you pay for?

I have no discus...yet but I have normal tetras, danio, bn cats, cories etc.

I went down to the lfs with my camera to take photos of the different discus so I could learn all the different types. They are dashed hard to photograph as they all stack vertically like dinnerplates. :lol:

Sun Oct 28, 2007, 11:06 PM
have a browse throgh the critique section as most of there pick nice fish to pices.

generally look for a round shape, well sized eye (the smaller the better so long as both are even). a clear tail, if the fish has verticle bars they should be strait and even.

Mon Oct 29, 2007, 12:16 AM
I was wondering what you look for in a quality discus. :

As long as its born in a river its fine.


Mon Oct 29, 2007, 03:12 AM
Welcome to the forum Brengun.

Main thing you want to look for is health. You want a nice bold fish that comes to the front of the tank after you've been standing there for a few moments. A healthy discus will eat any time, so they should be bold and looking for food.

Don't feel sorry for the poor shy little fish at the back of the tank, with the dark colours and big eyes. That is not the fish for you.

Pass by any fish that has torn or ragged fins, dull eyes, holes in the skin around the head area, or one that is very skinny. It may be easy to cure the fish, but you don't want to be worried about that with your first discus.

As the others have already mentioned, good round shape, even pattern over the body, small, preferably red eyes and a proud appearance. This is the king of the aquarium, and should look the part :P