View Full Version : aquarium Shrimp - Caridina longistrostris & Caridina ser

Scotty Bils
Mon Oct 22, 2007, 11:16 AM
Hello there everyone!

I am thinking about buying some shrimps for my planted tank.

There is information about the shrimps I am looking at buying

I have enquired and they can easily be sent to me here in Adelaide. They travel well in an insulated foam esky.
The price is on the web site catalogue section plus $16 freight will cover up to 40 shrimps.

Has anyone got these shrimps before and to what degree of success did you have?

Will my Discus or clown loach will eat the shrimps?

Apparently it is best to add the shrimps during a time of lights out, this way they should be suitably acclimatised when the lights come on and the Discus are feeding.

What do you think?

Scott :D :D

Mon Oct 22, 2007, 11:19 AM
I would forget the shimp with clown loaches, even the discus might have a nibble aswell if they find them.

FW shrimp are easy to look after, just acclimatise them well and have NO copper in your tank.

Scotty Bils
Mon Oct 22, 2007, 11:45 AM
Cheers Ben,

I guess they will not be suited in my tank then with the clown loach.

I also am using a fert (Trace elements) that contains copper (Cu). They probably wouldn't like this too much either. Nevermind, I liked the idea of having some in the tank to clean the pants, they look so cool, oh well, I like my Ottos too!!

Mon Oct 22, 2007, 01:29 PM
I've kept Caridina longistrostris before they were great for eating the mulm like stuff that can build up on leaves of plants whilst leaving the plants completly untouched.

didn't last too llong once i added the fish though. thats a great price btw, i think i paid something like $5ea from an LFS

Mon Oct 22, 2007, 01:45 PM
Theres many people in Aus now who have bought from aquagreen...theyve reached Perth, Melbounre, Sydney and Brisbane all intact. Fantastic prices huh?
Many people are breeding them in their tanks now.
You cant go wrong with them but your fish may eat them.
Both those species are also really good at keeping algae under control.


Sat Nov 10, 2007, 09:06 PM
Hey Scotty Bils

I Bought Some From Dave At Aquagreen,They Are Very Good But The Discus Do End Up Getting Them,I Lost 5 Through The Filter In Take.."Found Them When Cleaning The Media".And The Discus Got A Few I Think After 3 Weeks Now, I Got About 10 Left ...."They Are Very Small "But Grow Fast. And My P.H Is Between 6.8 And 6.4 And Put Them In When The Lights Are Off..

Cheers Tommo