View Full Version : What are the babies going to look like ?

Wed Oct 17, 2007, 09:35 PM
I recently bought 9 discus of a friend, and out of that lot 4 have paired up. The first pair is a cobalt blue and golden pigeon blood (im not sure if thats what they are, but thats what my friend called it), while the second pair is a golden/yellow and turquiose. So what are the babies going to look like for these pairs :?:

The first pair hatched their eggs about 3 days ago, while the second pair is laying as i write this :D

This is my first time breeding these guys, so any thing I should be on the lookout for ?

And how often will they lay eggs, assuming that each batch gets eaten by the other tank inhabitants (they're in a large community tank atm, but Im in the process off setting up a breeding tank for them)

Thanks guys :)

Thu Oct 18, 2007, 12:21 PM
Welcome to the forum mesia.

You did well to get two pairs forming so quickly.

As far as the colours go, I'd be inclined to try to encourage the two blue fish to pair and the two golden fish to pair. Assuming of course they are the right sex :P

If you pair the blue and gold fish together, I think you may be disappointed in the muddy colours they produce.

They'll probably lay eggs every two weeks or so while they're in the community tank. Most of the eggs or free swimming fry will be eaten by the other tankmates, but it's still good practice for them to try to protect their fry from other fish. It seems to make better parents of them when the time comes to put them into the breeding tank.

Good luck with your discus. It's sounds like they are very happy in their new home.