View Full Version : DIY BAFFLE FILTER
Tue Oct 16, 2007, 10:23 AM
ok im a diy freak, and when ever i do things, i tend to over do them and make them big, and was told that you can never have to much filtration.
iv been doing a little research on different types of filters used, and i came to the conclusion that the baffle filter system seems like a sound filter type.
i have been thinking of plans for a diy baffle filter system, but would like to get other peoples opinions first.
i was going to have many many different filter media compartments , scaling from pebbles to very fine filter media.
what are peoples comments on baffle filters?
and if someone has made one before, do they have any tips?
Tue Oct 16, 2007, 10:54 AM
your concept sounds very much like the concept of sumps. Perhaps you could investigate sump filtration systems and devise a DIY system incorporating basic sump principles. No doubt many will be curious about the outcomes.
Sat Oct 20, 2007, 01:36 PM
anyone else?
Sun Oct 21, 2007, 02:42 AM
Hi there,
I think what you r after is what we call denitrifying filters
Which r baffle systems and a lot of people either use matrix or something similar to that
Sun Oct 21, 2007, 09:49 AM
HEY xtreme
oh ok cool, what do u think of them?
i looked up the denitrifying filters but thats a lil more complex to what i was going to do.
whats the matrix like?
cheers clinny d
Sun Oct 21, 2007, 12:24 PM
matrix will start removing nitrates around 2-3 months after you setup.
Sun Oct 21, 2007, 01:57 PM
oh ok.
but was is the concept of the matrix system that makes it so good?
how does it work?
Sun Oct 21, 2007, 11:59 PM
G'day mate,
Matrix is a biological substrate made by seachem. it's got a massive surface area 160000 square cm (bout 10X that of bioballs) and lasts forever (some other media clogs over time and will need replacing as most other manufacturers will recomend, seachem themselves say this stuff lasts forever).
the idea of a baffled sump is that you've got diffrent compartments seperated by baffles at different heights, what this does is provide a surfave for microbubbles to condense on so as they are removed from circulation as the water follows a turbulant path, under one baffle over the next etc.
the biggest advantage of this system is that you can customize each compartment to a specific job. eg your first contains corse and fine filter wool to remove particulates, the second contains a bio substrate like matrix or bioballs, the third contains your heaters co2 reacters ph/orp probes etc, the forth has maybe more matrix or peat or carbon or biochem zorb etc, the 5th maybe a breeding pair of peppermint bristlenoses, the last is your pump chamber for water returning to your tank.
this kind of system has massive biological, mechanical filtration capacity, and is really only limited by your physical space and imagination
Mon Oct 29, 2007, 09:45 PM
i found a website that does diy baffle filters, any comments?
i was going to make one like this but i would like to make it a lil larger, then add a wet and dry bucket filter on that, (shown on website)
what do you think?
Mon Oct 29, 2007, 10:46 PM
looks good, hard to fault the design, again I'd use better filter media, lava rock doesnt have the best surface area IMO.
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