Tue Oct 16, 2007, 08:07 AM
I've been keeping a low profile on the forum for some time as everything has been going great until tonight.
When I left for work this morning, I believe all the Discus were fine but when I got home this evening I have at least one dead Pigeon Discus and a dead flying fox. All the others were gasping at the surface and whilst the catfish were still lurking they occasionally dashed to the surface before going back into hiding.
I've not changed anything on the tank for some time. Did a 40-50 % water change on Sun as I needed to move the tank out from the wall as we have decorators in who need to paint behind the tank.
My wife says the decorators haven't been near the tank today and had dust sheets over the tank yesterday when they painted the ceiling.
Ammonia level is fine at 0 PPM but nitrites and nitrates have both shot up. Nitrite looks to be 5.0 PPM and nitrate between 10 and 20 PPM.
Tap water reading appears fine.
I've been able to transfer all but one Discus to another tank at present - one is lurking where I can't get to it.
I've done a 50% water change and treated the tank with Prime (15 ml which is my regular dose). Will dose stability later.
Of the Discus I've transferred has a cloudy eye but seems to be perking up in the other tank. The transfer wasn't ideal as the other tank wasn't set up for Discus and is 5C cooler than what they've been used to.
What can have gone wrong and what else can I do to get the nitrite down in the tank?
When I left for work this morning, I believe all the Discus were fine but when I got home this evening I have at least one dead Pigeon Discus and a dead flying fox. All the others were gasping at the surface and whilst the catfish were still lurking they occasionally dashed to the surface before going back into hiding.
I've not changed anything on the tank for some time. Did a 40-50 % water change on Sun as I needed to move the tank out from the wall as we have decorators in who need to paint behind the tank.
My wife says the decorators haven't been near the tank today and had dust sheets over the tank yesterday when they painted the ceiling.
Ammonia level is fine at 0 PPM but nitrites and nitrates have both shot up. Nitrite looks to be 5.0 PPM and nitrate between 10 and 20 PPM.
Tap water reading appears fine.
I've been able to transfer all but one Discus to another tank at present - one is lurking where I can't get to it.
I've done a 50% water change and treated the tank with Prime (15 ml which is my regular dose). Will dose stability later.
Of the Discus I've transferred has a cloudy eye but seems to be perking up in the other tank. The transfer wasn't ideal as the other tank wasn't set up for Discus and is 5C cooler than what they've been used to.
What can have gone wrong and what else can I do to get the nitrite down in the tank?