View Full Version : Grrrr fish have been doing the wild thing !!!

Fri Oct 12, 2007, 06:33 AM
Ok i had just organized a trade for my discus - was going to happen on Monday - well today they decide to lay eggs ..... and not just anywhere - ON the tube to the filter i have custom made ( 1 inch dia tube hooked to a large pump with lots of holes cut into it

so my problem now is --- i will have to turn this filter off as the spawn may get sucked up into it ..........

and as this is totally unexpected i have not done any research into discus husbandry - i only have 3 discus in the tank and 4 catfish .. do i need to isolate the catfish ????

help :)



Fri Oct 12, 2007, 07:46 AM
leave it on for a couple of days, if by day 2 the eggs are still there and look fertile turn it off.

i think most likly they'll eat the eggs as defending them will be too hard.

Fri Oct 12, 2007, 12:53 PM
You will no doubt get a myriad of interesting posts about this but just leave 'em be. Some discus keepers allow the parents to eat their first couple of spawnings. I'd suggest you leave them in peace and hail Mary Peter and Paul (cross your fingers & hope for the best).